Chapter 12: Olivia

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Emma was acting strange and Olivia couldn't figure out what the problem was.

When she got back to the room with Alice, she saw Emma laying on the floor crying. Emma refused to explain what was wrong, and Olivia spent the night worrying.

When she finally fell asleep around one in the morning, she felt like something was very, very wrong.

Emma wasn't there when she woke up, and Jessica went looking around for her worriedly.

Alice and Olivia went to breakfast, only to see that there was a sign on the door that read,

The dining room will be closed for fixing after the last... accident. Please head to the courtyard for breakfast.

That's strange, Olivia thought, but she and Alice walked to the courtyard where everyone was sitting on the grass, chattering excitedly.

They were only sitting there for a moment when a very familiar girl approached them.

The girl smirked, and Olivia felt like she knew her from somewhere, the answer right on the tip of her tongue.

"Hey guys! I'm so sorry about Emma!" She drawled, her face contorting into fake pity.

"What?" Olivia asked, confused.

"Oh! You didn't hear?" The girl answered, pouting her lips.

Olivia shook her head, confused. The girl just laughed and walked away, without an explanation.

Alice looked at Olivia, all pale. She pointed at the sky with a shaking finger.

Everyone else was looking where she was pointing, to see a large group of small birds, flying right at them.

They didn't look friendly at all, either.

The birds started to take over, eating all of their food and attacking everyone. The weird part was, they brought some of the food to Olivia, until nobody but her had food.

When the birds left, everyone stared at Olivia with wide, scared eyes. They didn't understand what just happened or why, and neither did Olivia.

She hadn't asked for any birds to come from the sky and take their food, nor for them to attack all the kids.

Of corse, that's not what the headmaster saw when she was walked out. She saw all the kids sitting huddled together, no food and covered in little cuts.

Outside of that group, she probably saw a just as scared Olivia, with eyes as wide as saucers. Next to her was Alice, sitting in complete shock, with all the food surrounding both of them.

So, that's probably why the word, 'furious' was an understatement when describing the headmaster at this moment.

Olivia watched in frozen fear as she stormed over, her face as red as a pepper, smoke almost coming out of her ears.

"You two will come with me this instant," she whispered at Olivia and Alice, pulling them by their hair into the orphanage.

They were pulled by their hair all the way into the headmaster's office, where the headmaster slammed the door.

Olivia and Alice watched as the headmaster sat down into her chair with a deep breath, composing herself slightly.

Olivia sat rigid in her chair, bouncing her leg nervously.

"I didn't think that it would come to this, but apparently it is necessary," she said, eerily calm.

Olivia and Alice didn't respond, waiting for her to continue.

"When I put your roommate, Emma, into a foster home this morning, I found some more parents that would be willing to foster a child too," the headmaster continued.

Olivia gasped and Alice paled, putting a hand over her mouth in shock.

"I suggest you get packed, and tell your friend... Jessica, I believe is her name, to get packed too, because all of you will be leaving to separate homes until I can find someone more... Permanent," she finished with a hard glare at them.

"When will we leave?" Alice whispered after a long pause.

"Probably tonight, if your new homes will respond fast enough," the headmaster answered without hesitation.

Olivia got up, signaling Alice to do the same, and they left quietly to their rooms.

Olivia pretended not to hear Alice's quiet cries as she packed, waiting for Jessica to get back.



Sooooooo..... I'm sorry? Yeah, that's what I'm gonna say. On a lighter note, this chapter we will be starting something new! It's gonna be a person of the chapter sort of thing, where I will give a shoutout to someone who, maybe I liked their funny comment or they messaged me about it, so on, so forth.

This week the person of the week is smilechild2, who was the first person to message me about editing their story, shadow trail. She's a really good writer, go check out her book! Currently, I think I've only edited to chapter three, but I will do more soon!

To get a shoutout next chapter, leave a comment about what you thought or what surprised you about this chapter or something! So for the questions this chapter:

What will Olivia, Alice, and Jessica do? Follow along with what the headmaster said and be taken away from each other, or no?

How will they find Emma again?

Who is attacking them like this, making their lives miserable?

Where was Jessica this whole time?

Thanks for reading, leave a comment and a vote if you liked the chapter! I'll see ya next time, byeeeeee!

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