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"What's that supposed to mean?" I whispered.

He put his hand on my thigh, "Exactly what it sounds like. I saw you that morning at breakfast and I wanted you. I thought it was wrong because I was with Kaley but I couldn't stop thinking about being with you." He looked at me now.

"It is wrong." I put my head in my hands. This was so frustrating.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I tried to ignore it." He said guiltily. I knew Jason and I knew he wasn't a bad person. He just didn't see a way out which clearly annoys him.

"You need to choose." I said, I also didn't know what to do. I wanted to be with Jason but I wasn't willing to watch him be with her.

He turned to face me. "I'll go to her house on Saturday after the barbecue. You're coming to it, right?" He confirmed.

I chuckled, "You asked me this earlier, Jason. Yeah, I am. I haven't missed a family barbecue since before I went away. When have we ever got the chance to not go?"

Every year our parents get together and have a barbecue, it was tradition and every year since before I can remember, me and Jason attended as best friends. I suppose I never thought I would ever be in this situation with him.

"True, we were gonna tell everyone we are together." He said sadly, yup that went down the drain quickly.

I waved Jason away as I held a sleeping Hannah in her car seat. I walked in to the house and I saw Rae jump up from the sofa, I saw she was sitting with a boy. Lee was sitting on the arm chair with his arms crossed.

"Hannah." She gushed as she rushed to me and practically snatched her out my arms. "Mummy's sorry."

"Where have you been? Why was all your stuff gone?" I asked angrily. She can't just disapear and come back.

"Listen thanks for having me, Maisie but I have to go." She opened the door with Hannah in her arms and the boy she was with also followed her out.

I followed her out the door, "you can't just go. How do I knows that Hannah is gonna be safe? All her things are up stairs in my room? Her toys? Benny the bunny? She can't sleep at night without him?" This was all happening so fast.

She got in to a car and within a few seconds she was being driven away. Just like that, she was gone. "Are you okay?" Lee said and I turned my head to look at him.

"What just happened?" I said, barely able to speak.

"I don't know. She just showed up with that guy and said they wanted to take Hannah back. Are you okay but? I know you kinda had a little bond with Hannah?" Lee asked.

I gulped and walked to the sofa and collapsed down with a sigh. "Yeah. Let's just forget about it." I stared at the TV. I wasn't hurt, I think I was just shocked.

The rest of the week flew by and it was suddenly Saturday. I was wearing a full length tight white jumpsuit and matching strapped white sandals. My hair was wavy and I had foundation, mascara and a red lip for my make up.

I had a nervous feeling in my stomach as soon as I woke up. Today was the day that hopefully Jason could go through with dumping Kaley. I know it was wrong for me to be glad but I knew Jason would still step up and be a father and that's the most important thing.

I sprayed a little fruity body mist and then sat on the edge of my bed. Lee walked in a few seconds later wearing a pair of smart dark jeans and a white button up shirt with a few buttons loose and his hair was styled neatly.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I knew we were last to leave, we always were, however Lee had the excuse of the fact he had a driving lesson this morning, me on the other hand just took over two and a half hours to get ready.

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