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"Why does this have Holly's name on it?" I looked up from the picture to look at Nate's obnoxious face. He took another puff of the joint.

"She asked you a question." Jason spat.

Nate put the joint in to the ashtray and stood and yanked the photo out my hand. "She's having my child. That's why. Not like it's either of your business. Why don't you just sort out your own dysfunctional life and stay the hell out of mine? Get out my flat you bunch of idiots!" Nate yelled.

"You're the dad to Holly's baby!?" I was so shocked. Why didn't she just tell me? Why did she once again lie?

"Come on, Mas." Jason said, I could see he was losing patience with me. I had to make sense of this whole thing with Holly. Why did she keep these things from me? She told me I didn't know the dad.

Nate walked towards me and shoved my arm. "Listen to your boyfriend and go. You're driving me insane." He rolled his eyes.

"Don't fucking touch her." Jason was by my side and he pushed Nate back.

"Get her out then. The pair of you disgust me." Nate rolled his eyes and turned his back towards us. Jason took hold of my hand and pretty much pulled me out the flat and all the way down to the car.

I put my seat belt on and crossed my legs in a basket. He got in to the drivers seat and started up the car. "How could you be so fucking stupid? Do you understand the dangers of what you just done? You could have died. Did you smoke it?" Jason screamed at me as we drove down the street.

"No." I felt like a little kid.

"You injected it. Do you know how disgusting that is? How do you know the needle was clean? You could have caught anything. You are gonna need to get tested for aids and all sorts. Did you even think about that when you were sticking a needle in to your fucking arm?" I had never in my life seen him so angry.

"I didn't inject it in my arm. Nate done it in my thigh. I don't know, I didn't think. I wasn't thinking straight." He looked after me. "I didn't think of what was gonna happen to me." I started to cry again. Ugh this was the worst.

He stopped at a red light. "Do you wanna know something? I hope you felt rough as hell for it this morning, you wanna know why? I was out all night searching for you and what were you doing? You were with a bunch of drug addicts playing stab the fucking Maisie. I hope you felt so rough." 

I gulped, I didn't know what to say or do. Of course I regretted taking the drugs. I felt so out of control, I didn't like the fact that I couldn't control anything that was happening to me. I almost felt possessed and it was a feeling I was in no way wanting to ever feel like again.

However, I felt like there was hope. Jason obviously still cared about me or else he wouldn't have spoke to Nate like that, or acted this way when he found out about the heroin. Maybe there was still something there.

"Listen, obviously you still care about me and I care so much about you. Please can we just go back to being happy?" I begged.

"No, Maisie. I don't think we should go back to the way it was. You really screwed up this time and my family have to come first, especially Jack. Can you even begin to think how he felt?" Jason turned the corner in to our street.

"So there's nothing there anymore. That's it, done?" I tried to act strong now.

"I don't know. Truthfully I just want to figure out a lot of things first. Of course I still care about you." He glanced at me as we pulled up outside my house.

"But not enough to give me another chance or even a chance to explain?" I was falling apart every time he spoke.

"No,it's not like I don't want to hear it, I just can't right now. My mind is still too angry. Listen, come here." He opened his arm and I moved closer and the other one wrapped around me. "I'll always take care of you, Mas. Whether we are boyfriend and girlfriend or best friends but if I find out you have touched another drug, I'm taking you away from here and you are getting the correct help. Don't even think about touching anything." He warned me as we hugged.

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