Hospital Blues...

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Jason's POV

"Mum, I need to see her." I rushed in to the hospital and my mum ran after me, tears still running down her face.

"Just hold on, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. We might not be aloud to see them yet." My mum called after me.

I walked to the reception desk, "hi, my best friend was brought in. She was in a fire, her name is Maisie Carter." I tried to keep a breve face on.

The woman behind the desk looked down at the paper in front of her. "She was the last person brought in, about seven or eight minutes ago. They are down that corridor and to your left but you may not be able to see her right now." The receptionist told me as she pointed in the direction.

I thanked her and made my way down the way she told me. "Mum, is she gonna die?" I asked the question that was on my mind.

"No sweetheart, everything will be okay." My mum now was walking at the same speed as me.

I walked up to a nurse, "can I see my best friend? She was in a fire and I want to see her to make sure she's okay." I looked around for her beautiful face.

"Maisie Carter?" The nurse asked me.

I nodded, "yeah if you could just tell me where to find her that would be great. I just need to tell her this really cool thing about our favourite game. I'm gonna let her keep it for her console for a full week." I blabbered on.

She smiled, "her and her brother are in this room but I think they are still being seen to. I'll inform them that you're here and they'll let you know as soon as you can go in." She walked towards the room.

I followed her and watched as she walked in the room, I peeked in and spotted Lee, his face was scrunched up in pain as he laid on his stomach and I spotted the huge burn on his back then the door flapped over.

Maisie. I hope Maisie's okay.

Maisie's POV

"So then we waited and waited, then the nurse told us we could go in. He didn't leave for ages after he came in. In fact he stayed until you woke up. Mind you had passed out?" Diane continued to tell me the story.

"Yeah, I remember waking up and seeing his face. He just looked at me and was like 'about time, you always were much of a sleeper.' I'll never forget that." I looked at Jason's peaceful face.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest, sweetheart? You've been here for three days. You should get changed out your dress, get a few hours sleep, something to eat. Your mum has phoned me constantly asking how you are. Your first exam is tomorrow." She put her hand on my shoulder.

"I won't leave him. I can't leave him. He never left me and I'm not leaving him." I tightened my hand around his.

She smiled sympathetically. "So was it the city of love that brought you two finally together?" She stared at her son.

I could feel a smile coming on as I thought about our time in Paris. Oh how I took him for granted. I would do anything for him to wake up right now.

"We were together a little before that actually." I giggled.

"I'm really glad you two got together. He told me he loved you that day at the hospital and I could see that had never went away. I jumped at the chance to go on holiday with you lot again just so I could see that glint in his eye again, he adores you." I could see her tear up.

I knew how exhausted she must be. She had only been home once in the three days me and him have been here. I knew I had to make some sort of deal just to make sure she was okay.

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