Chapter 1: Flashback

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My dad was coming home in the next fifteen minutes I reminded myself. It was just like every other day since I was nine that he started to abuse me, however I would never know what I did to him to deserve this treatment.

All of a sudden I heard the squeaky front door of my house open and then shut with a loud bang. "Annastagia COME HERE NOW," he shouted. I hurried down stairs with quick steps, making him wait would have earned me an extra beating. "Why is this house not clean you rat?" my dad questioned angrily.
"I'm sorry dad I didn't get-," before I had the chance to even finish my sentence, he slapped me. "I told you not to call me that," he shouted spitefully. What's with him and shouting?, I thought while I cradled my bruised cheek. He forcefully pushed me towards the ground. I knew I was going to have to tend to plenty of bruises; as I felt the first whip of his belt on my skin. As soon as I felt a trickle of blood on my forehead, I blacked out.

I woke up gasping for air as I tried to shake that painful memory away. This has been happening frequently ever since my eighteenth birthday; the day my father was released from prison. I know what you're thinking, 'Why didn't the judge sentence him to life', I was thinking the same thing ,but abusing your daughter for six and a half years isn't worth that long of a sentence.
When my best friend found out I was getting abused even with my attempts at hiding it, she told her mom right away. Without Allia being the bold person that she was and still is, I may have never been freed from someone who still haunts my dreams. Allia and I were best friends since diapers, before my mom died in a car accident by a drunk driver and will forever be best friends even though she can be 'Miss Drama queen' sometimes.

I now live with Allia, her mom and her mom's fiance. They got married last week and are leaving for their honeymoon in a couple of days.
Knock, knock
A knock on the door bringing me out of my thoughts. "Come in," I said softly. I doubt they heard me, but nevertheless the door opened giving me a full view of my best friend in her pajamas, her brunette hair cascading down her back while my blonde hair is pinned up in a messy bun, classic me.
"Are you alright I heard movement so I came to check up on you". Is she serious? 

She heard movement wow and I heard crickets, okay. "Don't look at me like I'm crazy, you know ever since he said he'll 'come back', I'm on edge and especially now because mom is leaving and we are going to be all by ourselves," she said while running her hands through her hair. "I know, I know I'm just... I don't know. What if he comes back? I know we're not in Florida anymore but California isn't that far!".

It kind of is.

Allia sat there silently, she looked as though she was thinking about something and not in a daze like me sometimes. "I got it," she said scaring me half to death at how loud she shouted. Every one in the house definitely heard her, maybe the neighborhood, or even the world, " Isn't the plan just great?"
Wait she was talking, " Were you even listening? Ughh I said we can buy an alarm system, set it up, get bars on the window, and you can never go outside for the rest of your life".
"And before I do all of that you go ahead and make another plan because I want to have a life lia and by the way we can still get the alarm system that part wasn't as stupid as the rest of it" I said.
It was funny to see her face rise and fall at my comment, that I had to bite my tongue before I laughed.

"Well I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that last part ,but anyway stay strong and I will be by your side no matter where the sail takes us, goodnight", she turned around leaving my room dramatically.
I rested my head back on the pillow hearing the 'click' of the door closing and before I knew it darkness took over.

The top is a picture of Annastagia McCormick




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