Chapter 12: Mate

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Danny's p.o.v.

"Have a nice day Alpha Danny," One of my female warriors told me as I left the pack's training grounds.

The Full Moon Pack has some of the best warriors excluding myself, but since there is a threat towards me, my mate, and the pack, we have to be prepared for any surprise attacks that the hunters may be planning.

Now I am on my way to see the love of my life.

I thought as I stopped in front of my mate who was blocking the love of my life.
The fridge.

".....ello, hello what's wrong", a sweet angelic voice asked me.

My head snapped towards the real love of my life, but food will always have a special place in my heart, always.

"Nothing, just hungry is all," I told her truthfully.
"Well allow me to cook you something."

"Umm, I'll just call one of the pack cooks to make us both breakfast," I said remembering when Allia told me that Anna almost caused a fire by just frying eggs.
"No, please I've been practicing," she said while picking up a knife.

"Alright just put the knife down" as she did what I instructed, I sat down on the island chair and watched her pretend to be a chef.

"Welcome to Anna's cutthroat kitchen," she shouted in a presenters voice," . . . Where she will cut your throat if you dislike her food". Just as she ended her violent speech Allia, Jax, Dylan, and Mara walked inside the kitchen.

"Good, more judges now take a seat and let the cooking commence," she told them.

"What's going on?"Jax asked sitting next to me.
"Its pretty much, if you dislike her food she will cut your throat," I told him.

"Now I'm going to be making eggs."

"Oh no" Allia said.

"As I was saying . . ." she continued whilst glaring at Allia "Eggs, bacon, grits, and a side of fried sausage," She closed off and began to make the breakfast.

After about an hour she was finished cooking everything, she distributed food to everyone's individual plate and stood waiting for us to take a bite.

I picked up the cutlery and took the first bite of eggs and it tasted really good. I ate everything on the plate along with everyone else, not because Anna was holding up the same knife as before ,but that it tasted really good.

"So judges can the audience and I get a feed back?" she asked.

"What audience?"Jax questioned earning a kick to the leg by Allia.
"This audience," she says gesturing to thin air.

"Judge Dylan and Mara you can go first."

"Well, it was a very delectable mouth watering exquis...ow," he said rubbing his side where Mara jabbed him with her elbow.
"What he means to say was it was very good," Mara finished.

"Hey at least we could play the part," he told her.

"It was good," Jax said.
"Yup" Allia agreed.

"It was amazing, you can help in the kitchen often, if you like," I said to her while standing up.
"Well if you want that breakfast, lunch , and dinner you can get it because that's all I can make at the moment," she said while looking pleased with herself.

I am happy that Anna and I are closer than we were when she wouldn't even let me touch her. Now that she trusts me I don't want to mess that up. This might sound crazy because I just met her and all but,
I love her.

Zania's p.o.v.

"Ughh, so much and none of them are ours," my new friend who's also a werewolf Ellie said.

We were out mate hunting, for some reason I allowed her to drag me out to the mall to be bombarded by people at every angle. Even though I'd like to find my mate I don't want to rush into it everything should happen in its own time.

'I'll go get us drinks I'll be back."
She said getting up from the table. It was about ten minutes later when Ellie came back and handed me my drink which I delightfully took a sip of. There was something different about the lemonade, but I didn't think to much of it.

"You know what I think we should go no point in wasting two hours," she spoke up with a sudden attitude change.
"Alright," I said getting up swiftly and hitting into someone.

As I looked up my whole body stilled my wolf was growling, but at the same time I was being attracted to him which was very weird.

What's up with that.

Cliffhanger, I shouldn't have done it but we live for the suspense.

So who do you think it is??

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