Chapter 3: What Did I Miss?

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Picture is of Jax: Allia's mate

Waking up with someone screaming your name to the top of their lungs trying to burst your eardrums Is not pleasant. Allia wanted me to help her get ready to meet Faze and Elliz wanted me to drive her and Bobby to the airport ,because Allia apparently failed her driving test, hmph.

So I had to help Allia get her outfit together, which didn't make any sense ,because she has better fashion sense than me. However, she still insisted 'Oh Annastagia please help me what if I wear the wrong thing and he breaks up with me, that would be awful' . That is exactly what she said to me. If he breaks up with her ,because of her outfit then that relationship is stupid and he's a self conceited jerk.
When I was finish with Allia, I helped Elliz load her luggage inside the car. I had to drop them off at the airport which would take one and a half hours to drive to. And if I forgot to mention IT WAS 5 FREAKING O'CLOCK AND I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. We had to leave early because the flight was 8 o'clock and you have to be an hour early and seeing that it's their honeymoon they want to be super early.

On the way to the airport Elliz and Bobby couldn't stop talking about their trip; they were going to be visiting a lot of different countries, that Is why it's going to last three months. 'Oh The Bahamas this and Cuba that' , it was getting a little annoying and the fact that I wasn't going on this trip wasn't helping and so that's how the ride was to the airport.

After I dropped them off and said my goodbyes I went to Wendy's to get some time by myself and get something to eat I'm sure Allia can do without me.

I was in Wendy's for the past 3 hours I know long right, but I was just enjoying peace and quiet. I decided to pick up my phone and call Allia knowing that she was going to be worried.


"Hey Allia I just wanted to say I'll be home in another 2 hours okay?"
"Okay hurry up, something crazy just happened to me. So I was walking back home and I met this guy and he was acting all weird and he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug and kept on saying 'mine' so I kneed him in the balls; which is really smart of me might I add and to go someone's at the door hurry up home!"
"Okay... peace"

And I thought my morning was bad, actually it was that was just.....weird very weird.

After I finished from Wendy's, I got in the car turned on the radio and started belting out the lyrics to 'Steal my Girl' by 1D. Many people passing in their car stared at me like I was crazy ,but I just ignored them. This was how it was the whole ride home.

When I reached home there was a red Lamborghini packed in the front of the house. If Allia bought this car her mom would kill her and then me for letting this happen. I turned off my car's engine and stepped outside. I don't think the credit card that Elliz gave us had that much money, I thought as I unlocked the door and walked in.

Allia was passed out on the couch and  three tall scary men were talking around her. I was frozen, my eyes were glued to the one in the middle ,but he was most definitely apart of this. The moment I snapped out of shock and turned around to run I felt something wrap around my waist and a hand placed over my mouth.

Then everything went black.




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