Chapter 24: Wolfsbane Part 2

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Allias p.o.v.

My chest burned in agony as I held Jax's hand in the hospital. Tears still falling down my face as I listened to the slow beeping of his heart monitor.

After being told that we needed to retrieve the antidote and the docter allowing us to see him one at a time; everyone allowed me to go in first. That was a bad idea because I haven't left as yet and it's already dawn.
The door opened slowly as Dr. Drew walked in, his lips pulled into a sympathetic smile.
He went closer to the bed checking the machines and writing down on the clipboard, as he finished he turned to me, "Don't worry Allia, he's going to be alright".

I nodded at him and turned back to Jax as he left the room. The chair screeching behind me as I got up, looking at him I sighed and kissed him on the cheek before leaving.
I walked through the corridors of the pack hospital and walked outside beginning my journey to Dannys office.


Anna's p.o.v.

I sat down nervously inside of Danny's office as he stared at me from being his desk, with that stupid smirk on his face.

I jumped slightly when the door was knocked open, looking behind me I saw Allia eyes widened slightly smiling sheepishly as she muttered a 'sorry'. Sitting on the chair next to me after closing the door softly, we both looked at Danny expectantly.
He sighed and got up grabbing his car keys, "I'm taking you two somewhere".


Me and Allia both asked simultaneously, only to have him ignore us. We got up and followed walking the distance from his office to the outside of the pack.

A black range rover was parked at the left of the pack house ,in which we got into.

"We are going to see a friend of mine, she can help us to get the antidote", he paused turning the car on the roadway, "she's a witch".

My head snapped towards him ready to say something but Allia beat me to it,"What if she puts a spell on us?"

"She wouldn't, she's a really good friend".
My lips fixed into a frown at him saying that she was a really good friend; how good?

I mentally slapped myself for being jealous and turned my attention to the outside of the window. Tall trees surrounded both sides of the road, which didn't make it scary at all just breathtaking; sadly there was many dangerous creatures lurking.


I awoke with a jerk after being shook awake by Allia, I sat up and stretched my arms looking at my surroundings I noticed that we were in are regular neighborhood which is very different from my usual forest surrounding.

We walked up on the front steps to the doorway, Danny knocking on the door. We heard feet running towards the door sounding like a child. "You better not open that door, it could be a robber". I smiled imagining us three as robbers knowing that me and Allia will probably get caught the minute we step on someone's property.

"I know who it is, mommy" the little girl said behind the door.

The door was pulled open by a beatiful lady her haired pulled in a tight bun, holding the little girls hand. Her face pulled in a smile seeing Danny, she pulled him into a hug as she let him go she looked towards us; looking between me and Danny she began wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, which caused me to blush.

"Uncle Danny" the little girl jumped in Danny's arms smiling as he spinned her around

"This just made my day a whole lot better seeing you, where's the rest of the troublemakers".

"We left them back at the pack", she sighed still smiling inviting us into her house.

After Danny explained our situation to her she stood up pacing back and forth.

"You look very familiar, you remind me of someone" she stated stopping to look at Allia, after a second of staring her face lit up in recognition, but she kept quiet.

Thirty minutes later she had walked back into the room where we were.

"I bring bad news"

"What's wrong?" Allia asked.
"I don't have the antidote ,but my grandmother does" Danny groaned at what Khalil just said.

"You mean grandma Edna"
"Yes sweety, and Danny dont worry I'll carry them".
Danny looked towards us as we nodded towards him telling him it was "Okay".

After she packed up snacks for the journey we all walked outside.
Danny about to leave pulled me in his arms, I closed my eyes as he kissed me which ended shortly when we had to go.
I waved him goodbye from inside the car as we droved our separate ways.

Allia's p.o.v.

It took us about three hours to reach, now it was almost sunset and we were back in our forest surroundings.
I unlocked the door of the car and stepped outside feeling the warm summer air against my skin.

The building in front of us was made entirely out of wood, but it looked very stable.
We all waited on Khalil to retrieve her belongings and lock the car; her hand grabbing on to Katie's, her daughter's hand.

We walked up to the porch the wood creaking as we stepped onto it. Khalil knocked on the door twice loudly, it was after fifteen seconds the wooden door swung open and we were met with an old  lady. Her eyes lit up when she noticed me, as her mouth fixed in a smile. I was pulled into a hug, which I didn't reject.

"It's bout' time you visited your grandma"
Wait What!

Updateee !!!

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