Chapter 30: The War

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Anna's p.o.v.

I awoke abruptly after hearing a loud crash outside of the pack house. My heart started beating rapidly as I heard the howl of a wolf alerting everyone else that we were under attack.

We were under attack

I jumped out of the bed and ran towards the bathroom. I cleaned up as quick as I can and running into the closet throwing on jeans, a T-shirt and tennis. I grabbed the two pistols loaded with bullets gripping them readying myself.

I ran out the door and down the steps ,but was soon ambushed by a rogue wolf. My reflex quick as I shot a bullet in his hind leg and moved away from his bite. I was about to pull the trigger again ,however he was quicker jumping onto me and sinking his teeth in my shoulder causing me to scream.

I grabbed the gun again pointing it towards the wolf and pulling the trigger quickly lodging a bullet into its skull. The wolf becoming limp allowed me to push its mouth away from my shoulder. Blood now staining the gray T-shirt I wore.

I quickly ran outside and couldn't help myself as I my mouth gaped at the site infront of me.
Most of the pack was fighting the hunters and the rouges ,except the children and some women. I quickly pulled myself together and gripped both guns firmly in my hands. I was shaking slightly at the sight of my father fighting against a pack warrior.

My anxiety lefy quickly as I saw a wolf creeping up to me in my peripherals. Turning around in about three seconds he was shot dead on the ground ,whilst more was attempting to do the same.

Shots after shots were fired as I continued to hit each of the wolves and continued to duck their swings. I was unlucky twice resulting in cuts on my stomach and back from their claws.

More wolves stalked towards me as I slowly stepped back knowing that I only had limited ammo. The wolves suddenly stopped confusing me ,but not enough to know that this was a perfect time to kill them.

I rsisedy gun shooting but missing as I heard a voice shout 'stop'.
I clenched my teeth hearing my fathers voice and turned to face him one gun pointing towards the wolves and the other towards him. "Go and kill the others ,I'll take the pleasure in killing her".

At the end of his sentence there was a growl emitted from Danny who I noticed was being surrounded by three wolves, but it was nothing that he couldn't handle.
I pulled the triggered frowning slightly at the fact that he dodged the bullet with ease. "Now that's not nice", he spoke smirking at me slightly.

"You don't want to talk with your dear old father", I was tempted to pull the trigger again ,but stopped to scan the area around me. Many wolves lay lifeless around me only two of them belonged to our pack. There was only five left from their 'army', my 'father', Faze, Lazono, and two other wolves. The wolves that I was going to fight were killed by two pack warriors.

I fixated my eyes back on the man before me, "Talk" I spat out. "I wanted to talk for half of my freaking life ,but couldn't because if I did you would beat the crap out of me".

"Your hilarious", I spoke dryly shooting him in the leg before he could have blinked.
He fell on one knee gripping his wounded leg, "You are worthless and stupid". I lifted my gun upwards again aiming at him , "Just like your mother". And that did it I shot him twice in the chest, breathing in deeply as he fell backwards on the ground. A tear slipped down my face which I quickly wiped away.

I watched as his chest finally stopped rising and his body became limp on the floor. My eyes scanned the crowd as everyone started to rejoice. Faze was sprawled out on the floor dead, claw marks etched onto his face and stomach. Looking up I saw Jax looking as guilty as ever smirking and Allia crying tears of joy.

Both guns were pulled out my hands as Danny spun me around and kissed me. I smiled as we parted rejoicing in our win in this war.
My heart clenched as I looked at his lifeless body. After all these years he was dead ,and now I was free to live my life without worrying if he will find me.
Another tear slipped down my cheek as I remembered what he had said about my mother and I.

Before I could get anymore depressed I was lifted up by Daniel who spun me around with a smile on his face. He stopped as Danny growled at him causing me to laugh.

"Did you see how cool you looked with those guns? You killed like three wolves".

"I almost died there was nothing cool about that and I'm hurt",the minute I said that Danny was on me looking at my cuts.

"I didn't even notice I'm sorry", he looked me in the eyes frowning causing me to smile. A pack doctor soon came running towards us with his medical kit.

After he had bandaged my shoulder and stomach after cleaning it off ,I was free to walk.
Danny gave out orders to the pack on what to do with the bodies and the funeral that was going to be held for the two members of our pack.

"Wait what about Zania"?,we all turned to Allia in realization as Danny growled giving out more orders again for a search party.
I believe we should have kept Faze alive to torture him and question him ,but that wasn't a option For Jax when he was about to kill Allia.

I just hoped he hadn't hurt her or worse.


Zania's p.o.v.

It took me all night but I finally broke out of the chains. My body was weak and my mind the same making it hard to mind link anyone from the pack.
Creeping up the concrete stairs of the dungeon I pushed open the hard wooden door.
I was met with the beautiful sunlight ,it was later than I thought. I started running even though it somewhat pained me. I couldn't shift into my wolf until some of the silver wore off.

I had been running for the past hour ,and stopped to drink some water at a stream nearby. I finally gained enough strength and was able to shift into my wolf.
Shaking my self off to get ready I continued my run for another thirty minutes ,but halted in my running as I noticed the change in atmosphere.

I was in another pack which wasn't good ,because I probably looked and smell like a rogue.
I started to back away until I heard a twig snapping behind me. Instead of turning around and talking it out I decided to run ,however this didn't last long as I was soon thrown into a tree.

I layed on the ground to scared to open my eyes. I surrendered turning my neck outwards in a sign of submission as I later on my back knowing that it was a Alpha.


My eyes flew open as I now looked at the brown wolf who shifted back. I was hit with a sweet smell which was indescribable ,only meaning one thing.

"Mate", he growled out causing my heart to drop. After all I went through I didn't want a next one even if he was my real mate.

I growled at him shifting back into my human form. Covering myself from his eyes I continued to glare at him only resulting in him smirking.

"What's your name beautiful"?

"Zania Black", I murmured out, "What is yours"?

"Alpha Xander Dusk"

"I didn't know that Alpha was your name", I said sarcastically rolling my eyes,"I need to get going".

"You can't go anywhere dressed like that",he spoke clenching his teeth.

"I'm not wearing any clothes".

"Exactly", he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him. I was to shocked by the feeling of him holding my hand. I definitely have never felt this with Faze.

We suddenly stopped and I was pulled towards him in a hug. "Thats what happens when your mates with someone",he told me causing a shiver to run down my spine at our contact.

"Who's Faze"?, he asked his eyes switching from brown to black in jealousy and anger.
I sighed about to tell him the story which would probably make him let me go so I can warn Danny and the pack.

I just hoped It wasn't going to be too late.




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