27 | Fevers

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We just landed in Indiana and I'm still so confused as to why we are going to watch a Fevers game. I mean, I shouldn't complain since it's a free trip but a little more information would be nice.

"Do we know anyone on this team?" Kate ask me as we make our way to the car that will drop us off to the stadium, aka Ellie. "Not that I know of" she nods her head and opens the door for me. I thank her and get in and she gets in after me and we put our seat belts on. 

"Why am I here?" Jared ask from the font seat. "Because you're my moral support" Ellie answers and starts driving. It felt like forever because Jared made it seem like it did. All he does is talk but he's a good guy so I can't complain. 

Once we reached the gym, we got out and people started taking photos of us. Kate was quick to take my hand as Jared lead us in and Ellie was behind us. She said that she needed to make sure that her sisters were okay. Weirdo.

We then find our seats which are on the floor and we get comfortable and watch the teams warm up. Ellie has been focusing on this one girl on the Fevers but I didn't pay too much attention to it until she ran past us for her warm up. She looks hella familiar. I watch her run back to the baseline and I scan her back which has her last name on it.


She then runs back and I look at her face. "Lexie?!" I basically shout making her look my way and give me a small wave before going back to her things. I slowly turn to my sister and see her practically drooling over her.

"You didn't tell me your girlfriend is in the WNBA" I glare at her and she just shrugs. "So you're dating someone from another team? Won't that be weird when you play against each other?" Ellie shrugs and I sigh. "I think that's going to be weird" I mumble and Kate agrees with me.

"Hello children's" I look up and see my mom smiling at us with Caitlin, Gabbie, Jada, Kalea and dad behind her. They all make their way to us and sits down. "Did you know about this?" I lean over to ask mom the question. "Yeah of course" of course she did. Mothers always know. 

"Hey" my head snaps in Kate's direction to see a girl sitting down oddly close to her and I don't like it. Kate gives her a small smile because she's too good for the world. I eye the girl before she looked at me and gave a smile so I felt like I had to smile back at her.

"I don't like her" I whisper to my sister and she looks over to the girl I'm secretly pointing too. "You don't even know the girl" she says and goes back to ogling her girlfriend. "So? Her sitting down next to Kate and talking to her is a reason to hate her" Ellie nods her head pretending she's listening to me.

"Kate" I gently nudges her and she looks at me and takes my hand in hers and traces patterns on it. "Yes?" she whispers to me. "Can you please get up for a second?" she looks at me weirdly but listens to me. She gets up and I grab her waist and move her over in front of me so that I can take her spot and sit next to that girl I hate. As I did that, Jared looked over and felt the tension. 

"Girls, get up" he says and we look over at him and he wasn't joking so Kate and I both stood up and he moved us over so that he was now sitting next to the girl. He's such a g. The game finally started and it was a good game. They were playing against New York Liberty. 

After the game, we took some photos with Lexi. "I want to congratulate you on how good you played today" I tell her and she gives me a smile and gives me a side hug. "That's why I do it" she says and I had to say a sarcastic moment. "For praise?" I say and Ellie hits me on the back of the head. 

"Eleanor Hartley" mom warns her and I smile and stick my tongue out at her. "You're so annoying" she tells me. "Permission to take a selfie with you?" I ask Lexie. "Permission denied" she says but I already took one. "Too late"

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