1. Hell

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I woke to the horrid sound of my alarm going off at 7 am, which only meant one thing.


I was going into year 12 at my new high school in Australia after moving here from Liverpool. I've moved schools about five times since freshman year, and I've become sick of it. But the only difference between this year and the others is that I moved schools two months in, so it was most likely going to be more difficult for me to make friends here.

I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia with my mum and my older brother, Josh. Although he was 5 years older than me, we were still fairly close. He moved out when he was 22 and moved in with his wife, Caitlyn.

The only reason for me having to move schools constantly is because of my mother's job, with her being an entrepreneur she'd have to move cities constantly.

I had two other friends named Auburn and Dylan. People would call us the three musketeers, because we were basically inseparable and we were unpredictable when in the same room at once. Dylan was the more rebellious and idiotic one out of us three, whereas Auburn and I would lay back while we watched him attempt to ride his skateboard down 12 flights of stairs.

I was basically living alone because my mum was barely home due to business reasons.

Anyways, let's stop talking about my past and actually focus on what's happening right now.

I slowly got out of bed to get ready for hell, not even bothering to make my bed. What's the point? It's not like my mum's gonna be here after school to give me a lecture about it.

I walked over to my walk-in closet and put on my usual outfit-black skinny jeans, a white crop top, and a leather jacket-and then pulled my soft blonde hair into a messy bun. I applied a small amount of makeup, which consisted of eyeliner and mascara. I didn't need to impress anyone here.

It was 7:30 when I finished getting ready, and I was early. School doesn't start until 8, so I had time to make myself some cereal. I finished at around 7:45 so I decided to start walking to school. The walk from my house to school was only 5 minutes, so I didn't exactly need to hurry but I thought I could try and get there to get my schedule.

A vibration in my back pocket distracted me so I pulled out my phone, hoping it would be a text from Dylan or Auburn. When I read the ID, I was upset to find out it was only my mum.

Mum - Hey honey! So sorry I couldn't be there to support you on your first day! You know, I have all this business stuff. Anyways, have a great day, love you x

I looked back up after typing a quick, "Thanks, love you too" only to collide face first into a firm chest.

"You know, you shouldn't be texting while you're walking." I looked up to see a tall figure with curly, dirty blonde hair, and a smile that was so big I didn't think it was physically possible.

"O-Oh sorry I-I was just texting my mum," I stuttered. Damn. Why was I so awkward?

"Oh it's alright. I'm Ashton, you new around here?" The stranger asked, seeming interested in my life.

"Y-Yeah, I just moved here from Liverpool," I replied.

"Oh that's cool. I actually have a good friend that lives there at the moment. He's an interesting lad, but that's one of the main reasons I'm friends with him." This Ashton boy seemed pretty nice. I must've over exaggerated about the people who lived here.

"Oh that's cool. I was actually upset about leaving Liverpool because you know, I'd grown attached to the friends I'd made there," I stated, referring to my two best friends.

"Yeah, that would make sense. Well I'm sorry you miss your friends back home, but I know you'll love it here. And hopefully, I could become your friend so you wouldn't be so lonely here," Ashton chuckled. Well of course I'd become his friend, I mean he's pretty cute and extremely funny and outgoing.

"Of course, I wouldn't turn it down for the world," I replied with a smile.

I checked my phone to see what time it was and it read "7:55".

"Oh I really have to get going, I have to be at school in 5 minutes. It was nice meeting you Ashton, but I've really got to go." I said, suddenly in a rush as I ran past him.

"Wait!" Ashton called.

I turned around and gave him a look that read "continue".

"I never got your name," Ashton said, with a grin on his face.

"Hayley," I replied with a smile.

"Well, Hayley, I'll see you around," Ashton smiled, before walking away slowly.

I couldn't help but smile to myself the rest of the walk to school.

Maybe this year won't be as bad as I thought it would be.


As I walked through the building, the smell of floor cleaning liquid filled my nose. Weird.

I kept walking as I watched people walk past me in the crowded halls, receiving some glares here and there.

I trotted my way down to the principal's office which I had luckily visited before the first day. If I hadn't had done that I would be extremely lost.

I knocked on the door three times before it opened up to reveal Mr. Crenshaw.

"Hayley! You're here! Well of course I mean you're going to be attending this school," Mr. Crenshaw chuckled to himself.

"Yeah, I was looking forward to today! I wouldn't miss my first day," I lied. I would rather be burning in a pot of molten lava than be here.

"Well I'm glad to hear that! You know, most kids would hate coming to their first day of school, so I'm glad to hear you're not one of them," he replied.

"Anyways, here's your schedule. I'll have the president of student body take you to all of your classes so you won't be going around like a lost puppy," he said before handing me a piece of paper with a table on it that provided all of my classes.

"So this is the student body president, Calum. Calum, meet Hayley, Hayley meet Calum." A very attractive tan boy with slightly wavy black hair that had a streak of blonde running across the front walked into the room.

"Hi, I'm Calum," the boy said with a smile before putting his hand in front of me to shake.

"Hayley," I responded, taking his hand and shaking it.

"So, I'll be your tour guide for today! We should get going, your next class is in, like, two minutes."

"Alright," I replied, before following him out the door and through all of the people walking in the hallways.

Today was going to be a long day.

Sooooooo that was the first chapter of Naturally!! I know not a lot of exciting things happened, but I just needed to get it started and show you her backstory before automatically jumping into the story.

I promise it'll get more interesting, this was kind of like a filler chapter, but yeah.

There was also an important part in here that I hope you guys caught, because it'll come up later in the story.

P.S: this story is partly in an a.u. (Alternate universe) but partly not, mainly because some of the parts don't go along exactly as they do irl, like I don't make 5sos' life go exactly as their lives in real life. But yeah I just wanted to let you guys know

Oh, and, if I write something about Australia wrong (like the school system), I'm so sorry I'm not Australian I'm trying to make it match Australia as best as I can to make you guys have a feel for how it's like

Anyways, hope you guys will enjoy this fanfic! I'm really excited for it and I'll try to update everyday :) love ya guys ❤️

Btw, shameless self promo, go ahead and follow me on Twitter (@/cheestoastiemgc) and tweet me if you're enjoying the story so far :)

Baiiiii see you guys next chapter :)

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