3. Naturally

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After Luke had run off, I muttered a quick "I'll be right back" to the other boys before going after him.

When I walked out of the cafeteria, I looked to the right and found Luke sitting on the floor and leaning against the lockers. His knees were pulled tightly to his chest while he stared straight ahead.

"Leave me alone," Luke said, not bothering to look at my face.

"Why'd you run off?" I questioned.

"I told you to leave, didn't I?" Luke said, ignoring my question.

"Why do you hate me so much? You're always giving me dirty looks in class, and I haven't even done one wrong thing to you," I explained, not bothering to leave like he asked.

"Can you please just leave? If you don't leave, I will," he said before getting up.

Before Luke could go any further, I grabbed his wrist to prevent him from moving.

"Just answer my question," I pleaded.

Luke turned around to face me before shaking out of my grip.

He looked at me with a smirk before saying, "Well, it just comes naturally."

And with that, he was headed towards the school entrance.


I never saw Luke for the rest of the day, and I was partly thankful but partly upset. I really wanted to talk to him and know why he hates me so much, and what he meant by "it comes naturally".

I couldn't stop thinking about him and had a teacher yell at me for not paying attention like twice.

Usually, when other people would be rude to me like Luke was, I'd just brush them off and ignore them, but there was something else about him. He was.... different.

I was walking home from school with Ashton because we found out that we were actually neighbors, which was convenient.

"So, did you ever find out why Luke hates you so much?" Ashton asked.

"Not really, he just told me 'It comes naturally', which didn't make sense to me at all," I replied before looking at his face.

"What's that supposed to mean? He's usually not like this to other girls. I'd actually be less surprised if he tried to hit on you," he looked down at me and smiled.

"Well he did in a way, I was actually staring at him for a period of time in choir, and he turned and smirked at me," I said.

"Really? Then what made him hate you so much?" Ashton questioned with a confused look.

"I don't know, I went up to sing a song and after that, the smirk was gone. He looked at me with a death glare when I finished it," I responded.

"Wait, what song did you sing?" Ashton said with wide eyes.

"I'm a mess by Ed Sheeran, why?" I said. Did the song I sang affect him?

"Well shit, Hayley," Ashton said before running his fingers through his hair.

"Why, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, to him, that song isn't just a song," Ashton answered before looking down at me.

"What do you mean it's not just a song?" I asked, extremely confused.

"I can't exactly tell you, I'm pretty sure that Calum and I are the only ones that know about this, and it wouldn't help your situation at all if I told you," he explained. Did it really affect him that much?

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