2. Easy

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Calum and I luckily had our first class, Choir, together because if we didn't, he'd probably show up late to his class.

As I walked in the class with Calum, almost everyone fixated their gaze towards me. It started to make me extremely nervous and I froze. Calum must have noticed, because he gripped onto my shoulder and rubbed small circles into it.

Although there were around 20 pairs of eyes staring at me, my eyes met a specific pair. They were a beautiful bright ocean blue that made you feel like you could get lost in it just by staring. It belonged to a boy with blonde hair that was put up into a high quiff, and he had a black lip ring in the corner of his bottom lip.

I broke my gaze as my feet were finally able to move and took the only seat available, which happened to be behind Calum and next to this attractive blue-eyed boy.

"Alright class let's get started. By the way, please don't do anything to piss me off I'm not in a goo-well hello there, you must be Hayley, I'm Mrs. Smith," the teacher interrupted herself as she took notice of my presence.

"U-Um, yeah, that's m-me," I said before nervously laughing.

"Well why don't you introduce yourself and give us a feel as to what you're like? Cmon, come up here, we don't bite."

I hated public speaking. Whenever I had to do something like this, I'd either freeze and do nothing at all, or freeze and say something incredulously stupid.

I hesitantly stood up from my seat and stood up next to Mrs. Smith in front of the class.

I could feel everyone's stares burning into my own and it only made me feel even more anxious than I already was.

"Well, u-um, I'm Hayley Vaughn Reese, and I recently moved here from Liverpool," I said quietly, hoping that they all heard me.

"Do you have any talents or hobbies, hun?" Mrs. Smith questioned, obviously not actually interested in my personal life, but just trying to be nice.

"Well, I-I can sing," I replied before looking back at Mrs. Smith.

"That's great! So Hayley, you can go ahead and take a seat now, we should get started with class," Mrs. Smith added, before walking to her desk and taking a seat.

I sat back down at my seat and waited for her to start.

As I was waiting, I turned my head to the left and started to take in all of this boy's features. He had no tattoos, and was wearing all black, somewhat similar to my outfit. He had a silver ring on his pinky finger. And he had-

"Like what you see?" The boy said with a smirk.

I mentally face palmed myself for thinking I could stare at him without him noticing, I mean, what was I thinking?

"Yep, I left you speech-"

"Luke, I told you not to piss me off, and yes I was specifically talking to you when I walked in, so you better shut that hole of yours," the teacher interrupted Luke before he could say anything else.

"Well, I'm sorry, I can't help myself, but I know I can definitely open up a different hole of yours," this boy, Luke, replied with a smug grin on his face.

"Luke, either stop talking, or go to Mr. Crenshaw's room! I will not take any of your filthy jokes!" The teacher screamed.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop," Luke said before chuckling.

"Anyways, before anyone interrupts me, Hayley, would you like to come up and sing for us? I already know everyone else's voices because they had to perform at the beginning of the school year, but I have yet to hear yours," Mrs. Smith asked with a smile.

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