6. Fear

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Just a note, this may be a little triggering for some people, so if it is triggering for you, just skip it :)



Hayley had walked away after our fight. Who did she think she was?

My aunt had come to take my baby cousins home because apparently we had taken "too long".

I decided to walk home after sitting down a bit to calm myself down before I punched a wall, and I started to walk to my house.

On the way there, I saw Hayley's phone on the floor. I picked it up to return it to her, and started to walk to her house. Halfway there, I started to hear faint voices inside of an alley.

I started to walk into the alley and stopped in my tracks when I saw what was in front of me.

Hayley was facing me, pressed up against the brick wall. There was a man in all black who was pressing his body up against hers with his hand covering her mouth. When she saw me standing at the end of the alley, her eyes went wide and she started to squirm even more than she already was. Her clothes were all torn up and her hair was a mess, and her mascara was streaming down her face.

I started to run towards her, putting her phone into my pocket so I didn't drop it. As I got closer and closer, I could hear her muffled screams. Surprisingly, I don't think the man could hear my footsteps, and as I got right behind him, I roughly grabbed his shoulders, pulling him away from her body.

"What the hell?" The man screamed. He had a beanie covering his whole, face, so I couldn't see what he looked like.

I pulled off the beanie, and I was shocked to see who it was. I was kind of confused at the fact that Hayley hadn't noticed before, but I ignored that.

"Dylan?" Hayley said, barely audible. She slid down the wall, pulling her knees to her chest before hiding her face and crying even harder.

"What the hell man? Are you kidding me? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I screamed before punching him in the face.

He fell on the ground, before getting back up and throwing a punch to my stomach.

"What? Are you jealous? Are you jealous that I was that close to her, and she won't even get five feet close to you? You know why? It's because she hates you. She hates your guts," he said while pointing his finger to me and pushing my chest.

"At least I wasn't so close to raping her? What the hell dude, that's not what a boyfriend does! And you were only dating her for like, what, a day? What the hell type of boyfriend are you?!" I screamed back to him before punching him in the face again.

This time, he collapsed onto the ground and didn't get up. He just muttered, "Like you haven't done it before."

And with that, I punched him as hard as I could, and he went unconscious.

I ran over to Hayley and crouched so I could see her more. She looked up from her knees and stared at me straight in the eyes.

She immediately hugged me tightly, like if she let go, she'd collapse and fall right back into Dylan's grip. I was a little taken aback, but I pushed that aside and hugged her back. I hugged her like if I let go, she'd break into a million tiny pieces. I ignored the sharp pain that I felt in my stomach.

I took my hand and started to run my fingers through her soft, blonde hair.

We stayed like this for God knows how long, before she muttered very quietly into my neck, "I'm sorry."

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