Rules Of Requesting.

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Hello fireflies! 

I'm going to try and make this as short as possible, for your guy's sanity. So let's get onto it, shall we? 

1. Tell Me Who You Want It To Be With.

Sorry guys, I don't automatically know who you want your imagine to be with. If you tell me i can choose whoever I want, DO NOT get pissed off at me for choosing the wrong person. 

(Also, I WILL write imagines for your favorite ships, like Cashby and Fuenciado)

2. I Need Some Info About YOU (If you want a personal)

It's fairly easy to write about band members, i know a lot about them. But, what i don't know is a lot about you. Witch means, I'm going to need a couple of things: 

•Your Name (You can choose to use (Y/N) instead)

•Your Basic Appearance (Hair colour, eye colour, skin tone, height, and anything else you'd like to share, including if you have an accent.) 

3. I'm Going To Need A Plot.

I'm a pretty open writer, so i'll do most topics. These topics includes Fluff, Suicide/Self Harm, Eating Disorders, Mental Disorders, and smut. I do not do ones where he abuses you, but past boyfriends/ parental abuse is okay. If there's one i forgot to list, just ask! 

4. Please Request by Messaging me or placing a message on my page. 

I - for some odd reason - cannot reply to comments that are placed on the comments in my story. I probably won't do them if it's not on my page or in my inbox. (If there's some reason why this WILL NOT work for you, just drop a comment saying those other options don't work.)

5. Lastly....

Please, please remember I am a teenage girl with responsibilities other than JUST this. Your imagine might not get put up super quick. Please, have some patience! 

Now, go fly free my bright ones. I wish you luck out there, and HAPPY REQUESTING. c:


I am now taking submits and doing ships! The ships will NOT be published in the story, (unless asked otherwise.) You guys can also private message me or post your written submission on my page and I will publish it in my story, only it will be under your name and credited to you. 

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