twenty-six | migrane

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Amirlya woke up to a brutal migraine. The throbs combined with nausea made it unbearable enough for her to ignore the unfamiliarity of her surroundings.

Scanning the room for the nearest trash can, she hurriedly made her way to the small bin to release the rising bile.

With an urgent need to quench her thirst she swiftly made her way out of the room, into a long hallway.

Just to come across a shirtless June Vatican with a spatula in hand.


"Why the fuck am I in your house?!" Amirlya yelled. She had a chef's knife pointed towards the poor boy as June stood on the opposite end of the kitchen island.

June looked at her with full concern. Yes, he understood that it is weird to suddenly wake in a random bedroom, but was running away from him, opening his cabinets, and aiming the weapon at him truly necessary?

"Let me explain Lya, put the knife down."

"I'm not putting shit down. Why. The. Fuck! Am I in your house?"

Amirlya believed that June had kidnapped her. And in her defense, the assumption was far from too far fetched. She knew June was crazy, but she scolded herself for believing he'd change.

"I didn't hurt you, or kidnap you, or fuck you okay? If you just put the knife down I'll tell you everything."

For some odd reason Amirlya's cheeks heated at his "fuck you" statement. From her attire, it was certain they hadn't done anything. She wore the same sequenced dress from the mall.

'Why do I even have this on?' She thought to herself. 'What even happened?' She thought again.

"Sit down, but I'm not putting this knife down!"


"And so I beat his ass and brought you here." June finished.

After a long period of explaining and asking questions, June finished detailing the prior night and the events that took place at Le Fleuve.

Amirlya went from being flabbergasted to crying as the memories came flooding back. How reckless of her. She had so naïvely danced with a predator. To her, she was to blame, and if it wasn't for her desire to prove Anui wrong, she wouldn't be in this predicament.

"This is all my fault!" She wailed.

June quickly came to her comfort, hugging the terrified girl as her tears drenched his bare chest.

"None of this is your fault, you were drugged. He tried to rape you Lya, you are not the one to blame here."

"B-but if I-"

"No if anything. Stop blaming yourself, there's nothing you could've done to know his evil intentions. He's done for."

June made sure to leave out the part where he killed the man. Sooner or later, he'd come up with an excuse as to what happened after the beating. For now, hush money would be given to the city police, in exchange to cover last night's mess.

June didn't know why or how Amirlya ended up grinding on him, why Anui would take her into a space where Amirlya would never be comfortable alone in. But that was far from his worries. Even if she was the one who made the advances, he'd have to put that aside. Cause the sick fuck who wanted to take advantage of her innocence was the only one in the wrong.

"Listen, you need to wipe your tears, that motherfucker will pay his dues for hurting you okay?"

In hell of course.

"W-what about Anui? Where is she now."

"She's sleeping in one of the guests rooms."

Once June, Mo, and Mason exited the nightclub, their ideas on what to do with two unconscious girls were limited. Mason suggested that they'd get a hotel room for the both of them, but June disagreed, in that it would be even more sketchy for them to wake up without someone they knew there.

Mo recommended that they search one of their bags for a key. Yet only Anui had a  purse, and her key looked nothing like the ones belonging to the university dorm rooms.

In addition to none of them knowing her address.

They finally settled on bringing them to June's apartment. Mason offered to help them change out of their tight dresses, but June refused, jealous that she'd get to see Amirlya's assets, and of course it would be awkward when they woke up in the morning.

Amirlya nodded her head, trusting his words.

She scanned around the room, taking in his nice apartment. Both his living room and kitchen were well furnished. She expected nothing less from someone with an immense amount of wealth, but nonetheless she was impressed.

"Your house is so n-nice." She said sadly.

June took a braid and tucked it behind her ear. "Thank you beautiful. Now come on, it's time to eat."


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