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Wednesday came quickly and we found ourselves in the same diner where Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton preformed last time we saw them. Harry and Mia were sharing a pizza and Sam and I ate a hamburger. It was yet another hour before the band would preform so they came over and sat down quickly. 

Calum and Luke sat down beside me. "So excited for tonight. I heard there would be more people here tonight than ever." Calum grinned. Luke didn't say anything, he just stared at his phone. "Luke's waiting for Claire to text him back. He asked her to come again, bet she won't be here." Calum whispered to me, but Luke heard and glared at Calum. "Shut up, she said she would come." Luke snapped, turning his attention to his phone again.

After some minutes, Luke sighed and threw his phone at the table. I patted his shoulder awkwardly. We hadn't really been talking since the night at the party, but I decided to speak up. "If she told you she would come, she'll probably come." I assured. Luke's eyes softend and he nodded. Before I could say anything else, he grabbed one handfull of my french fries, smirking. "Luke!" I complained. "I'm hungry." he said, his mouth full of my fries. I rolled my eyes. "Buy your own." I pouted.

We just laughed and talked for a while before Luke's eyes widened and he stood up, running over to the door. We all turned around with wide eyes, seeing Claire stand there. She didn't look quite happy, but Luke looked like a kid on christmas. "She actually came, after almost a year of Luke's begging." Ashton snorted. 

Luke kissed her and looked so in love, it kind of hurt. I didn't know why, but I just hated seeing them like that. I had to shake my jealous thoughts out of my head, why was I even jealous? "Oh no, no no no!" Harry whined when Luke intertwined his fingers with Claire's and brought her to our table. His smile made me smile, I couldn't help it, but my smile dropped when Claire was standing there, glaring at everyone.

"Why are you hanging out with those losers?" she asked Luke, hinting to me and my friends. Luke rolled his eyes. "Come on, Claire, don't say that. You do realise that one of them is your sister?" he stated, sitting down beside me again. Claire glared at me, then Harry, Sam and Mia. 

It was some awkward ten minutes where Luke was talking silently with Claire while she was making it obvious that she didn't want to be here. I didn't understand why Claire had to be a bitch when she saw how happy Luke was when she came, because he was now frowning again.

 "I think it's time to go on stage." Ashton said, eyeing the audience. I notcied that there were a lot of people here again and smiled, it was even more people today than last time. The others nodded and Luke quickly kissed Claire before he followed the others. 

The four of them got applauce as Ashton introduced themselves. Claire snorted, leaning over to me. "Why do they call their band 5 seconds of summer?". I rolled my eyes. "Why not? Claire your boyfriend is in that band.". I earned a glare from Claire. "I know he's my boyfriend, but the band name is stupid." she snapped.

Their first song was try hard and they were amazing as always. Luke looked so happy when Claire was there, always smiling to her, but she didn't even smile back. After some time she sighed. "I shouldn't come here. This isn't even my music taste." she stated.

 I was about to say something when Harry interrupted me. "He is your fucking boyfriend, Claire. Suck it up and be proud of him. Can't you see how happy he is?". Claire rolled her eyes. "You're annoying. You know what? All of you are annoying. I'm leaving, it's your fault." Claire spat, standing up.

 She grabbed her purse, glaring at me. "Claire, think about Luke. He'll get sad when you just leave." I stated, but Claire rolled her eyes. "He'll get to know it's your fault that I left!" she yelled, storming out of the diner.

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