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Christmas ended quicker than I wanted. It was like Luke and I were in our own happy bubble. I didn't have to worry about my sister, school or anything. I got some CDs from Luke and a beautiful necklace and he got a pinky ring, some cool band bracelets  and a bunch of skittles from me.

The morning when we opened the presents, I also ate breakfast with Luke's family and it was just so fun. They were nice and welcoming and it was funny to listen to all the embarrassing stories about Luke. I didn't even know why I was so nervous to meet them. 

We were now sitting in Michael's basement where all the boys' instruments were laying all around the floor, but we weren't going to play right now. We were just drinking and were about to give each other the secret santas gifts.

I was sitting in Luke's lap while he was laughing loudly at something Michael said. He was so beautiful when he laughed, the way his nose wrinkled and the way his eyes squinted made me smile. Luke's arms were wrapped around my waist and he was leaning his head on my shoulder. I loved how he clung to me like his life depended on it and how one of his hands were entwined with my own and the other was resting on my thigh. I just felt cared about.

"Alright!" Calum yelled loudly because of all of us were talking loudly. He was pointing to the tree and we were all staring at him. "Our secret santa presents are laying under that tree. I suggest we start this now!" he squealed. I giggled at how impatient Calum was. He was probably just curious about his own present.

"I'll go first." Calum smirked, rushing over to a present with his name on. It was pretty huge and it didn't take more than ten seconds before he had opened the present and had a huge smile on his face. "Oh my god! This is amazing." he stated, looking down at a skateboard. He had told me he had ruined his last one so that was probably why someone bought a new one to him. Calum looked at everyone of us, trying to guess who it was. "I uhm.. Guess it's from Michael." he shrugged, but Michael shook his head and Harry had to tell him it was from him which made Calum squeal again and hug him.

Harry got some CDs and candy from me and he guessed right when he guessed it was from me, Michael got video games from Sam, Mia got perfume from Ashton, Ashton got some fancy shoes from Michael, Luke got a stuffed penguin from Calum and it wasn't hard to guess who I got my present from since it was only Luke left.

I looked at the envelope and opened it quickly. My eyes widened as I saw that it was an airplane ticket to Los Angeles.." Luke smiled widely. "We're gonna meet some producers in L.A, and I wanted you to come. We're also gonna preform which will be cool so I thought it would be fun of you to join that." he explained, his cheeks tinted red.

It was a cute gift and I cupped Luke's face. His eyes studied my own face and a lazy was on his lips as I leaned closer in. "That's the best gift ever. Thank you so much." I mumbled against his lips and he didn't waste any seconds to kiss me back. His lips tasted like mint and a bit of a sweet alcoholic drink he had just drank. My hands tangled in his hair and as his tounge was about to enter into my mouth, loud coughs were heard and we pulled away, both blushing.

"I get that you guys are a couple now, but, like come on you guys! Make out right in front of us? That's not nice!" Michael whined. Luke just rolled his eyes as he flipped him off. He then pulled me closer to him again and let me rest my head on his shoulder.

"Ugh, you're so cute that it's disgusting." Harry snorted. I just giggled as Luke kissed my forehead. He then handed me another cup of beer. I raised an eyebrow at him, making him wink. "You're funny when you're drunk." he giggled. I rolled my eyes, taking a sip from the cup.

We ended up ordering a lot of pizza as we just talked and played games. It was really funny to be honest and I was happy that I could be myself with a group of people. I didn't have to fake my personality or being something I wasn't. The people I was friends with respected me and I couldn't be happier.

It was getting pretty late and Luke had gotten a lot of alcohol into him now. I was just tipsy, but he was drunk and a giggling mess. It was adorable, but I didn't think it was a good idea of him to drink any more. 

He was about to take another beer when I grabbed his hand. He just looked down at our hands and giggled once again. "Luke, maybe we should head home?" I asked him. A pout came onto his face. "But why!". He was acting like a five year old again. I just rolled my eyes playfully. "You're very drunk, Luke and you're probably tired too." I stated.

Luke continued pouting for minutes before I just stood up and he whined, doing the same. He could barely stand so he put his arm around my shoulder. "We're heading home you guys. It was fun today!" I said loudly, trying to get the attention from everyone in the room. They were all pretty drunk.

"Wait!" Harry said, stumbling over to me so he could hug me. "Thanks for the present. Call me tomorrow okay?" he slurred, poking my cheek. I nodded, patting his shoulder. "Try to not drink so much more now, okay?" I asked. He nodded, but didn't really listen as he grabbed another cup of something. I shook my head at him, but I hoped he knew what he was doing himself.

Luke and I walked out of the house and it was pretty cold, so I was glad I took with me a jacket. Luke put on his beanie and looked at me with an innocent smile and wide eyes. "Can we go get food?" he asked, pouting. I groaned at him, checking the time. "It's two am, Luke." I stated. "So?" Luke asked, furrowing his eyebrows and crossing his arms. I sighed, already knowing he would win this discussion. "Fine. We'll go to mc donalds." I gave in, but I didn't really mind when I saw how happy Luke got.

It didn't take too long to walk to mc donalds and Luke and I were almost the only people there. We had ordered milkshakes, fries and two cheeseburgers. Luke was telling me some story from one time Calum and Luke were in mc donalds and both of them managed to drop the food and fall down on the floor covered in ketchup. I thought it was funny and Luke was laughing by his story that the workers gave us weird stares.

He then threw some fries at me and I threw some back. Our laughter were the only thing heard in the restaurant, but I didn't really care. We were both happy.

When we were done eating and we were about to walk out of mc donalds, one of the workers muttered a "finally" which made us laugh even more. Luke grabbed my hand and stumbled out with me.

During our walk to my apartment, Luke was just rambling again like he always did when he was drunk, but I didn't mind. I loved hearing his voice and seeing him happy. I just loved how he was so carefree and could talk about everything with me.

I told him to be quiet when we came to the door because Claire could be there too and Luke nodded, but didn't really listen to me as he pushed me to the wall and kissed me, giggling inbetween. His lips were a bit cold because we had been outside in the cold weather and his hair was wet from the snow, but I didn't mind. It was always perfect kissing him.

I was filled with adrenalin and calmness. It wasn't a rushed kiss, it was a calm and gentle one and it was those I loved the most because that made me realize that Luke wanted to take in the moment as much as me. A small moan espaced his mouth when I tugged at his hair and I smiled, letting my tounge enter his mouth. "God." Luke whispered, a hand holding my hair and the other resting on my hip. "You're so fucking beautiful.". My heart fluttered and we both smiled, ruining the kiss, but it didn't matter. Luke pulled away, but leaned his forehead against mine. He pecked my cheek, jaw, chin, lips then nose and I giggled. "Wanna go get some sleep now, babe?" he mumbled, lips resting on the top of my head. I nodded, already knowing I was tired.

We made our way to my bed and Luke pulled off his t-shirt and pants before he handed me his t-shirt. I raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked. "I really like you with my clothes." he mumbled and I noticed the way he blushed. He tried hiding it by turning around and lay down in the bed, but I still noticed it and it was cute.

I pulled off my own t-shirt and replaced it with Luke's and took off my jeans too. His t-shirt reached my knees and it smelled like him. I really liked wearing his clothes too.

Luke opened his arms for me and I quickly laid down beside him. He smiled, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. "Good night, baby." Luke mumbled against my neck, kissing my neck some times. I just sighed and closed my eyes, tangling our legs. "Good night Luke.". He intertwined our fingers and put his hands on his bare chest. And that's when I realized I loved Luke, I really loved him. 

I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T UPLOADED BEFORE NOW! I have been so busy with school, but hope you liked the chapter :_)) 

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