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Before I knew it, it was actually the 24th of December. I woke up beside Luke who was sleeping. His hair was in a mess and he had a pout on his face while sleeping. It was quite adorable to be honest, but if I told Luke, he would probably scowl and say that he wasn't adorable, he was handsome or hot or something.

I was nervous for today, because I would meet Luke's family for the first time. They would probably ask so many questions. What if they asked if we were a couple? What would I say. We weren't a couple yet, but would they be happy about that answer? What if his mother hated me? What if his cousins hated me? I was just so scared.

"What are you thinking about?" Luke's low and husky voice asked and I blinked, looking down at the tired boy who was laying on my stomach. My hands made their way into his hair and he closed his eyes, humming at that. I just smiled, knowing he loved it when I played with his hair. "I'm just nervous." I answered. 

Luke raised an eyebrow at me. "Nervous about what?". I just shrugged. "Meeting your family, what if they don't like me?" I asked. Luke just snorted. "We've had this converstation before. They'll like you, I promise." Luke assured, his hands trailing down to my hips. I just smiled and pecked his lips quickly. 

We weren't going to Luke's house before four, so we had some time before that. I was really happy that Luke stayed over last night so he could calm me down today. I didn't really know why I was so nervous. I just didn't want his family to dislike me or something.

"I'm hungry." Luke mumbled, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck, leaving small kisses there. "And what should we do about that?" I asked. He stared up at me with those piercing blue eyes and pouted, knowing how cute he was and that I couldn't say no to him when he did that. "Can you make pancakes, please?" he begged. 

I rolled my eyes, about to protest when he started kissing my neck again. I closed my eyes, letting out a shaky breath as I felt his teeth dig into the skin. "Luke." I sighed, feeling the smirk on his face. "Please?" he asked again. I pushed him away, knowing I couldn't get a mark on my neck today. "Luke, your family is not going to see me with a hickey today." I groaned and Luke pouted again. "Okay, but can you please make me pancakes?" he asked again. 

I nodded after some time because I wanted pancakes too. I grabbed one of Luke's t-shirts and shorts before I walked out of the bedroom. My eyes widened when I saw Claire. She was just about to leave so she could celebrate with our family. She just glared at me and when Luke had to come out just when she stood there, she glared even more. 

Luke wrapped his arms around my waist and glared right back at Claire. "Mum and dad's gonna be really angry since you're not coming." Claire spat. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at her. "You know they won't. They only care about you, so they won't give a shit." I snapped and Luke squeezed my hand, trying to relax me. "Whatever." Claire snorted, walking out of the apartment. She slammed the door, making a point that she was angry.

I sighed and Luke just rolled his eyes. "She's a bitch." Luke mumbled and I laughed bitterly. "You don't say.". 

Luke and I walked to the kitchen and he set the table while I started making the pancakes. It didn't take long before Luke came over to me and wrapped his arms around me again. "I think today will be really fun." he murmured against my shoulder, leaving open mouthed kisses there. I smiled and continued making pancakes even though it was kind of hard not to give Luke full attention. I bet that he was trying to distract me on purpose because he was bored while I made pancakes or something.

When I was finally done with the pancakes, I put them on our plates and Luke filled some milk in our glasses. He sat down and smiled widely when I handed him the syrup. "You're the best." Luke squealed. I swear to God, sometimes, Luke was just like a little boy. Especially when there was food around.

I took my time to study him and smiled at how his eyes sparked and he had this huge, goofy grin on his face. His hair face down and he was wearing sweats and a hoodie, looking so cuddly. I was actually happy that we wouldn't have to go to Luke's house before four because then we could cuddle and watch christmas movies.

When we were done with the food, Luke said he could clean the table and everything so I could take a shower. I let the hot water relax me, knowing I was stressed today. What should I wear later? What would I say to Luke's parents. He had brothers too, were they nice? There were so many questions and I didn't know what would happen later. 

After showering, I still wore Luke's t-shirt and some of his boxers. I put my hair in a messy bun before I walked out of the bathroom, only to see the apartment completely dark except from the light from the TV and the candles on the table.

Luke was sitting on the couch with a grin, his dimples showing. There were lots of candy and ice cream on the table and Love actually was about to start on the TV. Luke was wearing a blanket, but openet his arms for me to crawl in under the blanket with him. Pillows were everywhere on the couch and I was so happy . Luke always impressed me and didn't fail to make me happy. 

"I thought we could have a movie marathon before we leave to get to my house." he explained. I just pulled him closer to me so I could kiss him. His lips tasted like mint and I couldn't help but smile in to the kiss. Luke's lips moved with mine gently and I loved how he held onto my waist because he wanted me closer. My hands were in his hair because I knew hos much he loved it when I tugged at his hair.

He moaned into my mouth and our tounges came in contact. My heart was beating fast and my body felt like it was on fire from his touch. I felt cared about because Luke kissed me in a way like he wanted me to know how much he cared about me. When we were both breathless and pulled away for air, I pecked his lips some times before I snuggled closer to him.

He handed me a cup of hot chocolate and I thanked him. Luke was so kind and caring and I was thankful for getting to know him. I wouldn't have thought we would end up like this, but I didn't regret it at all. He made me more happy than I had ever been and he made me feel confident. He never failed to make me laugh or feel important. I hoped I did the same to Luke. He deserved the world and I just hoped I was good enough for him. I tried making him as happy as I could.

I leaned my head on his shoulder when he put the movie on play. "I think I can every line of this movie." Luke giggled, taking one of his hands in mine. I intertwined our fingers and he brought them to his chest. I could feel his heart beat and I smiled, happy that I was making his heart beat faster. I liked knowing that I had an effect on him too, that I wasn't the only one feeling like I did.

Luke focused on the movie and I was going to, but I couldn't stop myself from focusing on him instead. The way he would widen his eyes when something dramatic happened or the way he would smile and giggle when something funny happened just made my heart flutter.

We found ourselves cuddling together after ten minutes of the movie. Luke's head was resting on my shoulder and our feet were tangled. His lips brushed my shoulder and it would tickle whenever he laughed at the movie. Our hands were still intertwined. He would some times kiss me and play with my hair too. 

Cuddling with Luke was one of my favorite things. He was warm and he would cling to me like his life depended on it. He would always smell like cologne and mint and that was my favorite smell. The kisses he stole from me made my stomach flip and he would whisper lines from the movie in my ear, making us both giggle. I wouldn't really care if we ended up cuddling for days, it was comfortable and safe. I don't think I would ever get tired of cuddling with him. 

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