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Luke had been tutoring me everyday until the math test. It was the day of the math test and I was really nervous. I wanted to pass this so badly and Luke told me I would, I just had to stop overthinking everything. He told me that I wasn't bad at math, I was just overthinking the tasks. He had been helping me a lot though and I think I was getting much better at math to be honest.

Claire wasn't so happy about the fact that Luke had tutored me and she would always complain about it to both Luke and me. I really didn't understand why though. Luke had been getting better at doing things that made him happy instead of just pleasing others and that made Claire quite pissed so they had a lot of fights though, but Luke still decided to do what made him happy which was good.

When I came into math class and was about to walk to my seat, Luke grabbed my arm so I would stop walking. "I just wanted to tell you good luck, I know you're nervous, but I also know you'll do great okay? Remember what I told you." he said. I nodded. "Thanks and yeah I have to stop overthinking everything and stop thinking I suck at math because that makes me just forget stuff." I mumbled. Luke grinned and gave me a thumbs up.

I walked over to Harry and leaned my head on his shoulder. "Are you ready for the math test?" I asked him. Harry snorted. "No, but I don't think I'll fail though. Probably getting a D or something." Harry shrugged, grabbing a pen from his backpack. I nodded slowly. "How about you? You've been quite busy with Hemmings lately." Harry smirked. I rolled my eyes. "It's not like that! He has just been tutoring me.". Harry's smirk just got bigger. "Keep telling yourself that, Vic." he winked.

The teacher came in five minutes later and I sighed, knowing my prayers about him being sick had not been answered. He gave me the paper and I raised an eyebrow when I saw that I actually knew a lot of these tasks since Luke and I had been practising on them. I turned my head to Luke only to notice that he was already staring at me. I gave him a thumbs up and he nodded, winking at me before he looked down at his paper.

I turned my attention to the test and just wrote down everything I knew and it was quite funny to see that I just wrote and wrote and wrote. I didn't stop once and I actually think I would get a good grade on this. I knew how to solve these tasks which was a relief.

When I was done, I saw that Luke had gone out of the classroom which meant that he was already done too. I was suprised when I was the second to be done and I walked to the teacher, handing him the paper. He thanked me and told me I was free to go so I rushed out.

Luke was standing with the wall and smirked. "I had a feeling you would be done early. How did it go?" he asked, walking over to me. "Actually very good." I answered. Math was the last lesson today which meant that we were free to go home too. I walked to my locker and Luke followed me. He was leaning against the locker right next to me and I couldn't help but admire him. He had a smile on his face as his gaze was in front of him. He had his beanie on again and he wore black jeans and a black button up shirt.

I started giggling which made Luke turn around with raised eyebrows. "What's funny?" he asked. "You have buttoned your shirt a bit wrong." I stated, pointing to his shirt. He looked down and I found it cute that he started blushing. "Oh." he mumbled. He started unbuttoning his shirt and now it was my turn to blush.

Luke started buttoning it again, but I laughed when I saw that he did it wrong once again. "I'm tired today! Stop laughing!" he whined, crossing his arms. "If you think it's so funny, do it yourself." he said and I giggled as I walked closer to him so I could help him with his buttons.

It was kind of awkward, but I started buttoning it, noticing Luke's eyes on me all the time. I tilted my head so I could lock eyes with him. His blue eyes were serious and I gave him an awkward smile. When I was done, I quickly pulled away. I was probably as red as a tomato, but it was kind of a relief when Luke was blushing too. "See that wasn't so hard, maybe you should learn how to do it now?" I teased. He rolled his eyes playfully. "Thanks." he said.

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