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Luke was avoiding me. It was obvious and that made me feel so stupid. Why did I even let him kiss me that day in the bowling hall? It was obvious that he was just hurt because he saw Claire making out with someone. He didn't think straight so I shouldn't have kissed him back.

I was sitting in lunch with Harry, Sam and Mia, but wasn't really listening to them because my eyes were set on the sandy blonde haired boy with the piercing blue eyes two table away from me. Luke was sitting with Ashton, Calum and Michael, but he wasn't talking to them. He was just staring down at his food, not eating anything. His hair wasn't fixed today, but he still looked good with his hair down and he was wearing some black jeans and a big black t-shirt. He looked kind of tired.

"Vic! What is going on with you right now?" Harry whined, waving a hand in front of my face. I blinked, turning my attention to my best friend. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired." I lied. Harry snorted, looking over my shoulder and to Luke. "I think it has something to do with Hemmings." he stated, tilting his head to the side. Sam and Mia agreed and I rolled my eyes. "Maybe." I muttered, taking a bite from my fries. 

"What's going on though? You guys were looking really confused and kind of sad after the whole bowling thing." Sam said. I shrugged. "He saw Claire make out with some dude and then he rushed to some room and I followed him and before I knew it his lips were pressed to mine and I couldn't pull away so yeah. I shouldn't have kissed him back though because it was obvious that he just did it because he was hurt about Claire and that other dude.". 

"You kissed him!?" Mia whisper yelled and I felt my cheeks heat up as I nodded slowly. "But he's avoiding me now, so it's obvious that it shouldn't have happened.". Harry snorted. "I bet it wasn't a mistake though, have you seen the way he looks at you?". I rolled my eyes. "We're friends, Harry. Just friends.". 

I hated that we were just friends, but we were. I couldn't forget about the kiss, but I don't think it meant anything to Luke. He's avoiding me and pretending like it never happened which proves to me that it was all a mistake.

My friends were about to discuss this even more with me, but I was saved by the school bell. I stood up, sighing in relief as I quickly rushed to my locker. 

Math was still the subject I hated the most, but we were going to get the math test back today which I was both nervous and excited for. I felt like I did great, but I didn't know if I thought completely wrong.

I was sitting with Harry and he noticed how nervous I was so he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "It's alright. I bet you did better than me." he whispered. I just shrugged. "I don't know, I just hope I don't fail.". I leaned my head on Harry's shoulder and waited for the class to start.

Luke came in seconds later with his friends and suddenly his eyes stopped at me and he furrowed his eyebrows, his gaze trailing down to Harry and my hand. We were still holding hands, but Harry always did that whenever he notcied I was nervous. After some more seconds of staring at the two of us, Luke narrowed his eyes and rushed to his seat, not bothering to look back. 

If I didn't know any better, it did look like Luke was jealous, but he probably wasn't. Why would he? I sighed and turned my attention to the door where our teacher walked in with a huge smile like he always did. "I'm handing out your tests today!" he informed and started walking around the classroom with the papers, handing everyone their tests.

When he came over to Harry and me, he patted my shoulder. "Very good, Victoria. I'm impressed.". After taking the test from him, I couldn't help but smile. I got a B+. I was very proud because math wasn't my strongest subject. Harry grabbed my test and raised an eyebrow at me. "Hemmings got you to get a B+?" he asked suprised and I nodded. It was true, Luke learned me everything I needed to know. He helped me and I would have to thank him even though he was avoiding me. 

It was the end of the day and Luke was standing with his locker. It looked like he was cleaning it up. He looked quite focused, but I decided that I should walk over to him and thank him for helping me get a better grade in math. 

I was nervous to be honest. What if he didn't say anything? What if he just stood there and stared at me like I was nothing? He had avoided me for too long. I missed talking to him. After some seconds of me freaking out because I was going to talk to him, I finally came to my senses and walked faster to approach him.

I leaned against the locker beside him, turning my head so I could look at him. He didn't notice me first because he was too busy with his books. He had furrowed eyebrows and was biting on his lip ring and I took some seconds just to admire the way he looked. His blue eyes were a bit narrowed in concentration and he looked beautiful. I had always wondered how someone could look so beautiful.

Suddenly, he noticed me and he turned his head around, raising an eyebrow at me. "Victoria." he nodded, his voice emotionless and I frowned because he was saying my full name. I had gotten used to him calling me Vic now. I tried to say something, but when I opened my mouth, no words came out. I think I was just too nervous.

Luke stared at me, waiting for me to talk. After some time, I swallowed nervously and I thought I was about to thank him for helping me in math, but my mouth couldn't stop itself from blurting out "Why have you been avoiding me?". I quickly widened my eyes and felt the blood rush to my cheeks so I put my hands on my cheeks.

His blue eyes locked with my own and he had a serious expression on his face. "You make it very hard for me to believe that you and Harry aren't anything other than friends." he suddenly said and just like my eyes had widened seconds ago, his own eyes did that too and I noticed a light pink color in his cheeks.

I didn't know what Luke meant by that so I just coughed awkwardly. "What do you mean?". Luke rolled his eyes. "You're always holding hands and it looks like you're flirting all the time.". I sensed some anger in his voice. "We've known each other since we were kids. We're just best friends and I'm not flirting with him. He held my hand today because I was nervous about the result on the test." I sighed. 

Luke's eyes softened a bit and he looked down at his shoes. "Oh." he mumbled awkwardly. "Yeah." I whispered, not sure what to say. Why did Luke always get so annoyed whenever Harry and I held hands? My heart started beating fast by the thought of him actually being jealous, but I wasn't sure and I was too scared to ask him if he was.

We were just staring down at the floor, both of us too awkward to know what to do. I ran a hand through my hair and decided to look at him. His cheeks were red and it looked like he was counting the tiles on the floor. 

I decided to speak up. "I uhm wanted to thank you for helping me with math.". Luke's head shot up and his crystal blue eyes locked with mine once again. It made my heartbeat quicken and blood rush to my face. I cursed myself for blushing and looking like a tomato in front of Luke. "Oh yeah, how did the test go?" he asked, his voice so low that goosebumps formed on my arms. I smiled at him. "B plus.". 

A grin formed on Luke's face and before I knew it, he had wrapped his arms around my waist. I was suprised by the fact that he was actually hugging me, but I wasn't going to complain so I wrapped my own arms around his waist too. Luke smelled so good and I couldn't help but breathe in the smell of him. My head was leaning against his chest and he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. I loved how he always did that and the way his lips brushed my neck whenever he breathed made my knees go weak.

I could hear Luke's heartbeat and it was faster than normal. I couldn't help but think thast maybe I was the reason? I was hoping that because I knew my heart was beating just as fast and that was all because of Luke. "I'm happy for you, Vic." he whispered, his lips brushing my neck even more and it tickled so I couldn't help but giggle. 

Luke's head shot up when I started giggling and he chuckled too before he awkwardly pulled away. I felt cold and hated how I always felt the need to be close to Luke. He ran a hand through his hair as he closed his locker shut. 

He started walking away from the locker, leaving me to stand there alone very confused. Why did he just walk away like that? When he had walked a couple of feet away from me, he turned around and a a smirk was plastered on his face. "You coming, Vic? I'm driving you home." he said and I quickly rushed over to him, feeling happy because he was finally talking to me again. 

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