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Feeling his fingertips trace over my face was something I really didn't think would feel so good. I was pretendig to be asleep when Luke woke up because I didn't want this moment where we were cludding to end.

My head was still resting on his chest and he had his arms wrapped safely around me. Luke's fingers started tacing my forehead before he let his fingers trail down to my nose and then my cheeks. Suddenly his fingers ran over my bottom lip and it was so hard not to smile. He let his fingers stay at my lips for a bit before he traced my jaw and then neck. It felt like it was a fire wherever he touched me, I just felt warm and my cheeks were probably red, but I didn't want to open my eyes. I wanted him to continue to touch me. His fingers were warm and soft and made me relax.

After that, he stopped and sighed loudly so I decided to open my eyes. The sight of Luke made me want to snuggle closer to him. He just looked so damn confused and innocent. He was frowning and his eyebrows were furrowed, but he looked so handsome.

"G-good morning." Luke stuttered, pulling away. That made me feel cold, but I still knew Luke just needed a friend now so I sat up. "Good morning, do you feel okay?" I asked him, locking eyes with him. His icy blue irisis were staring right into my own and I drowned in them, just like I was in the ocean. His eyes reminded me a lot of crystal blue water.

"I'm okay." Luke muttered, his eyes trailing down to his hands which meant he wasn't okay. He couldn't even look me in the eyes to tell me he was okay. "Luke." I sighed. He just bit down on his lip, shaking his head. "It's okay. I'm okay." Luke muttered, now looking up at me with a wide, fake smile. I rolled my eyes. "You're not okay, you shouldn't be. She cheated on you, Luke. You're supposed to be sad." I explained.

We were quiet after that. Luke didn't look like he wanted to talk. Maybe he just wanted to be alone? Some people liked being alone when they were sad. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked him. His head shot up and his blue eyes darkened a bit. "No." he said, grabbing my wrist quickly. I raised an eyebrow at him, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. It was not the time to think about how Luke made me feel right now.

My eyes found their way around Luke's room because I hadn't really taken in his room last night. Band posters were everywhere and I smiled when I saw that he liked the same bands as me. Nirvana, Guns N'roses, Pink Floyd, All time low and sleeping with sirens were some of his band posters. He had his guitar in the corner of his room, right next to a shelf with a lot of records. I then noticed his record player which made me smile. His room was a bit messy, but not too messy and it smelled like Luke. I really liked his room.

"Did you have fun last night before I ruined it?" Luke suddenly asked. I frowned. "What do you mean by you ruining it?" I asked. Luke shrugged. "You came up and I was this mess, it must have been annoying to babysit me.". I rolled my eyes as I scooted closer to him so our thighs were brushing. I noticed how Luke furrowed his eyebrows, but he didn't move away. "You didn't ruin my night. I care about you, Luke. You could never bore me." I stated. Luke just nodded slowly.

We decided to clean the house up since it probably looked like a mess. I noticed that I was still in my costume and Luke's eyes widened as his eyes focused on my body. I bit the inside of my cheek, looking down awkwardly. "Y-you can borrow something from me if you don't want to wear t-that." Luke stuttered, his cheeks turning red too. "That would be very nice, thank you." I smiled. Luke moved to his closet and found some sweatpants and a t-shirt, throwing the things at me. He turned around so I could change.

When we came down, I looked at the house in suprise. It was really messy, but Luke didn't seem suprised as he walked over to a garbage bag. "You don't have to help me if you don't want to." Luke stated. I rolled my eyes at him. "Luke, this house is a huge mess, you can't clean it alone. I'll help you." I said, shoving him playfully and I swear to god I saw a small smile on his face.

It was disgusting to clean the house, cups were everywhere and we had to wash the floor and even windows. It smelled awful, but Luke opened all the windows and sprayed the house with something that smelled good.

When we finally were done, we sat down on the couch and Luke looked kind of lost in thoughts. I didn't want to bother him because he was probably still sad about the whole thing. It wasn't fun to see him like this at all.

"She never told me she loved me." Luke suddenly whispered, his beautiful blue eyes looking right into my own. I felt my heart miss a beat. He let out a bitter laugh. "I thought she loved me though, that she would tell me soon, but I now know I was so stupid. Everything she wanted with me was having someone to boss around and make out with. I was so naive. So fucking naive.".

I sighed and scooted closer to him. "You weren't naive, you were in love.". Luke stared down at his hands again. "She was probably cheating on me for months and I was just there, trying to make her happy. I was unhappy and she didn't even care, Vic. Do you know how much it hurts? I thought she cared and I tried telling myself that when in reality she didn't give two shits about me.".

I couldn't stop myself from grabbing his shaky hand. He didn't pull away though and that made my heart flutter. Luke intertwined our fingers and sighed. "It was probably my own fault too." he whispered. I shook my head and before I knew it, I scooted even closer to him, almost sitting in his lap just to make him look me in the eyes. "No, Luke. This is not your fault at all. It's all Claire's fault. Please don't blame yourself." I begged, stroking his cheek.

Luke leaned into my hand, his eyes locked with my own blue ones. I felt a rush of adrenaline through me because of how close we were, but the selfish part of me didn't want to pull away from Luke. I wanted to be close to him and I tried to shake the thoughts away, but couldn't. Luke leaned his forehead against mine, making my breath hitch. His beautiful eyes were so easy to get lost in to.

Suddenly, a door opened and I quickly pulled away from Luke before anyone walked in. Not that we were doing anything, but it would be kind of awkward if I sat in Luke's lap and stared into his eyes with our foreheads touching.

"Luke!" the familiar voice of Ashton yelled and Luke rubbed his eyes tiredly. "In here!" he yelled back and seconds later Ashton, Michael, Calum and even Harry walked in. They had pizzas in their hands and a lot of movies. When they saw me, they raised their eyebrows. "Vic? What are you doing here?" Harry smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes. "I was just helping Luke clean the house since you guys ditched him.".

"Where were you last night though? After the beerpong you just disappeared." Calum stated, sitting down beside me. I bit down on the inside of my cheek and saw Luke just staring down at the floor. "I uhm.. I was with Luke." I shrugged. They all raised their eyes again.

"But weren't you with Claire, Luke?" Ashton asked, flopping down on the floor. Harry sat down beside him while Michael sat down in a chair. "I uhm.. Well a bit, but then she left." Luke muttered and it was obvious that he felt uncomfortable talking about Claire. "Why? Did you guys have a fight again?" Michael asked. "Well, actually, we kind of broke up." Luke sighed, his eyes never leaving the floor.

"WHAT?" they all yelled in suprise and Luke rolled his eyes, getting kind of annoyed. "I don't want to talk about it." he snapped, his eyes now narrowing at the four boys. They put their hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry man, but it was good we came with pizza and movies then?" Harry asked. Luke just nodded slowly.

Five minutes later, the boys were digging into the pizza and Ashton had put on some random movie. I didn't even pay attention to the movie because my eyes were at Luke. He was just staring at the floor and I sighed, scooting closer to him. His head shot up and he suprisingly grabbed my hand and put it in his lap, now paying attention to my hand instead of the floor.

My stomach was making backflips and I couldn't stop the smile from my face. Luke's fingertips were running up and down my hand and he was playing with my fingers. I didn't know if he really was thinking about what he was doing, but I wasn't going to stop him because it felt nice.

After some seconds, I decided to scoot even closer to him. Our thighs were touching now and my whole body was shaking from nervousness. Luke didn't notice, fortunately. He just stared intensely down at our hands, still playing with my hand. It was cute and making me feel things I could only feel when Luke was close to me. When his eyes suddenly gazed up to my own, I looked into them. I was probably blushing, but I didn't care. We continued staring at each other, getting lost in each other's eyes. I didn't want this moment to stop.

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