Chapter 27 ✔

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"You stupid little child!" Hissed Cliona, she slammed the front door shut and turned to Rushika. Rushika cowered away, she knew she'd be in trouble. Cliona wasn't that stupid.

"You told him didn't you! You can't keep your mouth shut for one second!" Cliona took a threatening step towards Rushika, her heartrate increasing by the second. "Rhhh!" Cliona groaned, she clenched her chest "and now your causing more trouble than your worth" reaching a hand high in the air Cliona swung it down and onto Rushika's cheek. A loud smack rang through the air.

"You don't have Scarlet to protect you now" she chuckled, Cliona pushed Rushika onto the ground. The little girl hit her hip against the tiled floor "what did you tell him!" Cliona yelled, she kicked Rushika in the stomach. Rushika closed her eyes cowering in a ball blocking out all pain that was given to her. The words Cliona spoke became mumbles in the background as droplets of tears streamed from her eyed.

"Stop" she cried, "please! Please! Stop!" Cliona didn't listen, she kept kicking, hitting and spitting on Rakesh like she was worthless. And that she was. "STOP!" Rakesh twisted Cliona's ankle, a rush of power she didn't know she had washed away her pain but it was only there for a second.

"Yo-You" Cliona quivered "i-i" Rushika tried to defend her actions "I'm so-so sor-sorry" Cliona wrapped her hands around Rushika's dark hair roughly pulling her from the ground. "So you want punishment, huh?" Cliona chuckled "I guess I can spare you my time"

* * *

"What have they done to you" whispered Xavier, he held onto Scarlets pale hands with concerned eyes. What the girl, Rushika, had said to him replayed in his head for the last one but non of it made since. How could Cliona posion her own daughter and how could Scarlet stand for it.

He shook his head.

"Knock knock" Jenna entered quietly, she smiled at Xavier "Alpha" she bowed, it was something she had to learn to do when Scarlet left. It was something the whole group had to do after many weeks of punishment. Xavier blamed them for Scarlet leaving, he took his anger out of them and his sadness out on his family. It was a time he wasn't proud of but he had no regrets.

"I brought some cookies for when she wakes up" she tilted the box towards him, Xavier took it, taking a whiff of the sweet chocolate dough. He nodded solemnly setting it next to him. Jenna sighed as two children ran in, in fits of giggles. "Momma is the Luna going to be okay?" Asked the little girl, she had long blonde hair and crystal clear eyes.

Jenna looked at her Alpha.

"Wmm. . .I don't know honey, how about you ask Alpha Ivanov" the little boy turned to Xavier.

"Is Luna gonna be okay?" Xavier looked at Scarlet, the only person he could see to love. "I think so buddy" he smiled at the child, Scarlet had always wanted children, Xavier noted and he's always wanted to give her some. Many days he'd get jealous at seeing so many mated couples with pups of their own and on those days he'd ban everyone from going outside. The pack knew his struggles and they couldn't blame him but it did get on their nerves.

Xavier was always hailed up in the pack house to ever so outside and visit the pack. He hardly spoke to them outside of pack meetings and after seeing so many children, he banned everyone from going to the pack house. Now only the maids, him and his parents slept there. The others had to build a home or find one on their own.

Noah walked in with their six month old baby boy Noel. "How is she?" Murmured Noah, jenna answered him before going quiet again.

Russell and Liam walked in not to soon after Noah got to the hospital with grim expressions. "She tried to talk to us" Liam stated "but we ignored her" Russell shook his head with a groan "what's wrong with her?" Xavier zoned back into the conversation and looked around. The group was back together again, he thought bitterly, a group that took Scarlet away from him.

"I've got some information" Xavier started out "the little girl Scarlet is rooming with is scared to death of Cliona. She warned me to keep Scarlet away at all cost and that the posion in her system was not my accident" Jenna frowned "what?" She asked confused. Xavier nodded.

"I think Cliona is poisoning them but I can't figure out why Scarlet would let it happen. You know Scarlet, she's fun and carefree but she also doesn't let anyone stand in her way. There's got to be more to the story" Xavier watched their reactions "the thing is Cliona won't let Rakesh be alone by herself with me, she practically had a fit when Rakesh didn't follow her out" Sitting in a chair Jenna ran a hand through her children's hair.

"So your telling me you think Cliona's doing something to Scarlet?" Xavier nodded "well that would explain Scarlets warning" she mumbled, Xavier and the rest heard. "What warning?" Jenna looked at them, she hadn't realized she'd spoken out loud.

"I. . .uh" she stuttered, "a day or so ago Scarlet came to visit me, she didn't stay for long after seeing I had children but she warned me to keep my family close during the full moon. I thought nothing of it and went on my day but she seemed worried after seeing my kids. She was nervous, frantic and left in a rush" Jenna fiddled with her hands.

"That would explain Scarlets rush to mate me" Xavier admitted "she became pissed after seeing Ashley and convinced me to mate her next week or at least before the full moon. She too seemed nervous and frantic to get it over with" admittedly Xavier was quite embarrassed to tell them this. Your mate is suppose to want to mate you because they love you, not because they want it over with.

The group mulled over their findings, "why are you said Alpha Xavier" asked the little girl, Xavier shook his head. "No reason, darling" the word seemed to trigger something in Scarlet, out of no where her body started to seize up, doctors pushed the group of out the room in a rush before shutting the door and locking it.

* * *

Author's Note:

I literally had no plans for this chapter except Scarlet being in a coma but somehow my hands and brain worked on it's own :-)

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