This Is The End Of the Confusion

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Jane's POV: --Shawn. I'm standing infront of Shawn. He said let my heart choose and this is who he chooses. But for some reason neither of them look surprised. "I told you, destiny doesn't change, not even for true love" a voice from behind says. "JULES!" And in that moment nothing made sense.

"Wait...what?" I ask confused. And she looks at me like a sick puppy. "Oh see, your destiny can't change, even for true love, and before you took this test, me and the boys took a peak at your written destiny. You see you love Hayes, but you're meant to be with Shawn, so you will be."

Wait wait. That doesn't make sense. I'm not meant to be with someone I love? What kinda fucked up fairy tale is this?? Okay okay breathe. "So...I don't actually love Shawn?" She looks at me. "No you do." You just said I didn't now I do make up your damn mind! I'm sick of being confused and not knowing what's going on and being told last. "So... Then what's the problem?" She sighs, "you just love Hayes more. But you and Shawn...what you have...and will have, is infinite."

Oh. Now what? "Now what?" I say. And everything goes back to the day I met Shawn at Starbucks. "Now you fix the wrong, do it right this time" I hear a voice whisper. I always wanted a do over...Now I have one. Will I meet Jules? "There's been a slight change in You will not. Now go he's coming" and at that Shawn walks through the door. He looks at me and smiles. Then he walks over, this doesn't feel like a do over it feels like a repeat, until...

"Hey, I ran into Mahogany outside and she told me to come introduce myself." He says as I stand up. "Well... I'm Jane. Nice to meet ya." I say and shake his hand awkwardly. He chuckles then sits down, as do I. "So, Jane, how old are you?" I was about to respond when the same voice, gods voice rang in my ears again. "Say you're 15, because in your do over, you are." I was a little confused.. But I said it anyway. "I actually just turned 15." I say. "Oh cool, I just turned 17...." He trails off. Oh. Damn. I forgot Shawn's birthday passed... Just on queue Mahogany walks in and sits next to me. "Isnt she hot?? Told ya!I see you two have met...Jane I got you a phone! But first tell me how amazing I am." Me and Shawn laughed an I shook my head. "Well whatever" she said and giggles. She gives me my phone and I don't even get to hold it for 5 seconds before Shawn takes it. Now this part I remember. He gives it back and I look at his contact and blush. It says "Babe Aka Shawn" all of a sudden he says "hey I have to go, but definitely text me sometime." I nod and he goes in for a hug but I give him a handshake...stupid!! He looks at me and walks away.

"OH-EM-GEE YOU TWO WOULD BE TOO CA-UTE" Oh my. "Mahoany. Chill. The entire mall can hear you right now." She giggles and continues. "But seriously, two years isn't even bad. And he's gonna be helping us move so maybe I'll just let him take you to the new his car...alone." I smack her arm and we start laughing. "I mean he's not bad on the looks.." "OH EM GEE YOU'RE TOTALLY GETTING THE HOTS FOR SHAWN!" I roll my eyes and drag her out of the booth and to the car. As we get in the car I debate on texting him... What if he thinks it's clingy? What if he gets mad I didn't text sooner? "Text him now, not too clingy" I look at Mahogany who just read my mind and she just shrugs. So here I go.

J: Hey

S: Hey there

J: what's up?

S: Thinking about something beyond beautiful

J: oooh which is?

S: You


S: I'm serious!

J: okay sureeee

S: Ugh. You're so stubborn. But hey I have a question

J: Which is?

S: Do you mind if I stop by tonight? Just to like hang out..?

J: Bring me chocolate!

S: will do babe see ya soon
I look up to see us pulling into the driveway. "You've been smiling at your phone the whole ride." Mahogany says looking at me funny and she takes my phone! When she was done reading the messages she squealed then pulled me into the house. "You need something that says 'I'm trying to impress but not too much' now let's go!" I follow her to my room and though on really short shorts and a crop top.... Where's my belly button piercing? Whatever. "Oh my god you look hot. But I have news"

"okay, continue" she blushes a bit and says "mom and dad won't be home tonight, business trip. And Jacob's in town so.... I won't be in tonight either..." Oh. "Jacob Whitesides?" I ask and she nods. The door bell rings then the door opens and I hear two sets of feet running up the steps. "Jacob, this is my sister Jane. Shawn you two...CLEARLY have met." Me and Shawn laugh and Mahogany and Jacob leave for whatever it is they went to do.

"You look really pretty" Shawn says with no hesitation. I mumble a "thanks" and he comes and sits on my bed next to me. "" I say and he nods. I was about to stand up when he picked me up bridal style and carried me downstairs. As he set me on the couch he pecked my lips an turned around to grab the bag of chocolates. I took them and he sat down a little further down the couch...oh... I turned the TV on and put in DUFF. Then I walked over and sat in his lap. "What's wrong?" I ask and he wraps his arms around my waist. "I dunno I didn't think you liked the fact that I just kissed you..." Aww! That's so cute! Like literally adorable! I smiled and pecked him on the lips. This was the Shawn I fell in love with.

He blushed a little and moved his face closer then looked at me as if to say "may I?" And I nod. And he slowly kisses me. It's perfect. These sparks... No no fireworks! And I know that's a lot to say about a guy I "just" met but... Anywayy he continued kissing me, then it got a little heated. His hand went from my thigh to the hem of my shirt... Then under my shirt and that's where we currently are. He breaks the kiss and kisses my jaw line... Then he goes to my neck... I hear the doorknob turn and stop him as a bunch of guys come in. I move to the end of the couch and continue the movie. "AWEEEEEEE ARE YOU MAHOGANY'S LITTLE SISTER? CUZ IF SO I MEAN DAYUM GIRL YOU PRETTY" hey I recognize him! "Aren't you Matt?" I ask innocently and he comes and sits next to me. He then puts his arm around me. I get up to get the others. "Wow" is all he manages to say. "Uhm... are you Aaron?" He smiles "Yeah, and you're gorgeous" I giggle and greet the rest, they're all so hot. But I only like one. I think. I sit back next to Matt and he puts his arm around me and I curl up on his lap.

"Jane can I talk to you for a sec?" Shawn asks but none of the boys notice because they're all sitting down watching TV. None notice except for Matt. "Hurry up" Matt whines, okay he's seriously adorable. I follow Shawn into the kitchen and he pins me to the wall. Then he kisses me. I pulled away and he looked sad. "Do you like me? Or do you like Matt?" He asks. I lift up his chin and kiss him. Then I walk back into the room and Matt pulls me back to his lap and I lay my head on his chest. I know I sound like a whore... and I know Matt's 18... But I only layed on his lap! I look up at him and he kisses my cheek... Oh. I smile and get back to the movie. Then I feel one of his hands move off of my waist and rub my back. No no no no. No touchy. "I'm actually really tired so I'm gonna go to bed." I announce and they nod, I get a few sad faces but eh. As I stand up Matt stands up behind me and puts his hands on my waist. "I'll come with you" he whispers in my ear and I just grab his hand. I look at Shawn and he looks sad... Or maybe mad. I dunno what to do. So we go to my room. Not to do anything! That'd be wrong! I sit on my bed and he sits next to me, and it got awkward. "You're really beautiful" he said and he got closer. Oh. Then he kisses me like no. Shawn walks in just as I push him off me.

"Matt I'm..--" I started just to get cut off. "--Taken. She's taken, by me." Shawn says. Oh damn. Matt just nods and leaves. "Shawn..." I start but he sits next to me and holds my hand. "Enough said. You're mine" I just smile. Little demanding... "Come here" he motions me to his lap and I go. "Now let's go show everyone you're mine." So I follow him downstairs and he holds my hand until we get to the bottom then when everyone's looking, he kisses me. Oh.

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