I choose.

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James POV: you know what? No. Fuck it. In so sick and tired of this I've wasted so many years of my life being told what to do. I stand up and go upstairs. Uncertainty clouding my mind I keep going. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I'm not going up against a bully anymore, I'm going up against fate, destiny and so much more. Bring it.

I opened the door to my room and step over the bodies until I reach Matt. "EVERYONE UP RIGHT NOW!" I screamed. Heads all over the room shoot up. "I'm done and so are all of you. We're taking fate by the horns and we're getting out way. Matt let's go get married. Right now, and don't any of you dare try to pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. I'm going against you god! Love over you! What the hell are you going to do?!"

The boys looked scared. I was about to say something when the house erupted. Okay let me explain that better. The walls and floor were falling apart and we were falling down...all the way down. We hit the ground one by one and it seems as if I'm the last one alive. I stand up and look around me not seeing one person breathing. "You stupid bitch. You couldn't have just left well enough alone." It...it was Jules. She'd just appeared! I said nothing just looked at her in shock. "You've never been one to shut up before so why now Jane? Huh!? You ruined it all you useless piece of shit! But the part that pissed me off the most is that you get yet another--yes another do over! You get to continue your life with your perfect Shawn and have perfect kids. But the rest of us loose our lives and are miserable. All you bring is pain you self concerned-" and she drops...like her body goes limp and to the ground she goes. They're all...Uhm...I don't wanna say it... They're dead, I killed them. I'm a murderer, and she's wrong. It won't be a perfect life...because I have to live with that for the rest of my life. Shawn slowly woke up.

"Jane! Princess are you okay? Can you hear me?? Someone's coming to help it'll be okay! I love you!" He ranted and it seemed distant, I could barely hear. Everything was fading, and I was left to face my mind...

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