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Jules POV: one second I'm here with all the boys and Hayes an the next it's just me. "Hello again Julianna." A voice says. I know this voice. The voice--the voice is my brother. Anthony. "Y-you! What do you want?" I was scared. And lost. Anthony ran away when I was 5. He was 9 but our parents sucked. "Well, I noticed you and your little friends weren't listening or following the rules. Bad mistake." He started walking closer. One buy one...they started appearing...Hayes, Nash, and so on. "Why? Why'd you do this to me?" They were screaming. And he was just laughing. "I missed you. I'd always be there after shook watching you, making sure you got home alright. When you broke your leg I snuck in and checked on you. I care about you." They faded away but he came nearer. "But you forgot about me..never told anyone about me, never asked to see if anyone knew me. You never cared." He's lying! I'm not scared anymore. I'm furious! "You know what?! I DID care! I DO care! I HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL care! Did I ask anyone about you?! No! Because no one would listen! Did I ask mom and dad? No! I was afraid they'd hit me! But you, you are the reason I couldn't focus on my school work! Because I was constantly wondering 'I wonder I he's ok.' Or 'I wish I could see him one more time' or even 'I wish he cared enough to take me with him!'" I was crying now. But I wasn't done. "Why didn't you take me with you? Why didn't you come back? Why did you just leave me!? You left me to rot with those abusive people!" I fell. I was too over whelmed too much was going on. I fell. I cried and curled into a ball. I stayed there for about a minute until he came over and hugged me. "No! No! You don't care! Don't touch me!" I screamed but I didn't feel like fighting his arms away. So I stayed there for a minute thinking. Then the obvious question came out my mouth. "Why are you doing all of this?" This made him tense. He was scared. "Because, I want it to be MY way. Your friends are ok. Their minds are just reprogrammed. Well they were. There's something about you and all of your friends...your different." Different? Were different? Oh-my-god! My parents always said how I was 'one of the extraordinary'. So...if this is true...what am I? I have it a try. I thought about my friends...how much I miss them. The next thing I know. I'm back to the time where I had just met Nash, Jane, and Shawn. I'm--I'm a witch?

(Sorry! That prob sounds mad stupid but yeah. I haven't been on a lot lately b'cuz my life is hard but I'm sorry! Bye)

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