Okay then

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I woke up to loud snoring, but it wasn't just one person...try about 9. The boys were scattered around my room, 3 on my bed and the rest in random places. I slowly tip toed around the boys and down the stairs. I'm scared. I'm really scared and I have no one to turn to, not one single fucking person. I don't know what to do. I was sent down here with a mission that's almost impossible to complete. Why'd I have to change? Why can't I go back to being 12? Why were things so much easier then? I don't want to live this life anymore, please just take me back when all I had to worry about was keeping my grades up! And I mean I could also be insane. I mean take it serious, think about it. Getting a second life? Having things go your way at all times? Knowing what's going to happen next? Talking to God? I sound like a damn nut job... What's wrong with me? Huh?! If you're real and all god what the hell is wrong with me?! Because I feel so alone and I'm afraid and I haven't got not one person to talk to it's like you're giving me this battle that you know I can't fight on my own and you're watching as I slowly tear myself apart! I stop my thoughts for a moment and realize I'm on the stairs crying.

"Shh it's okay, tell me what's wrong princess." Taylor whispers coming up to me wrapping his arms around me. "Come on say it. What's wrong?" He says concern overflowing his voice.

"Me. I'm what's wrong. It's not supposed to be this way I'm normal! I was before all of you stepped into my life! I shout and he shushes me. "I know what you're talking about. We all do. We were sent back here together but none of us are allowed to say a word to you, because you're under a test." He says whispering and looking around. "A...a test?" I say feeling slightly relieved I'm not completely insane. " Matt was well... Let's say... Reprogrammed like you, and he believes that he needs to be with you like you need to be with Shawn. Wrong. God wants to see if you'll take his word or love." He says as quietly as possible.

"And Uhm... If I choose Matt?..." I trail off and he looks away scared. I'm done. I'm done being the underdog and listening to everyone else, this is going to go my way.

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