Chapter 1

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Amethyst's (POV)
I woke up to the sound of the alarm on my phone going off, signaling it was time to get ready for school. I slowly dragged my tired, aching body out of bed and slipped on a lavender tee shirt and some black jeans, I also took my black and purple hoodie from my chair and put it on over the shirt. I looked at my arms in disgust, I had about 15 cuts on my left arm, going from the wrist all the way up to my forearm. I sighed and put my arms through the sleeves, glancing at my clock I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs and out into the crisp morning air.
As I walked down the street I noticed how there were people staring at me, I wondered... 'Is it because I'm fat? Ugly? A worthless piece of crap? The thoughts raged through my head like a tornado. I sighed as I reached the school building and walked inside. Students were busily rummaging through open lockers grabbing for their things just as the bell signaled first period.
I let out a groan and slowly ambled towards my locker to see the words, Fat worthless pig! Written on the door in red paint. I put my hand to my mouth to cover my sobs and I ran to the bathroom. I shut the stall door quickly and slid to the floor, looking at my arms where my hoodie sleeves had rolled up. "Fat, Worthless...." I kept repeating over and over again. I was so into my ranting that I didn't even hear another girl come in.
"H-hello?" She called out, causing me to jump a little.
"Is someone there?" I held my knees close to my chest so she couldn't see me, she stopped outside the stall I was in and knocked hard. "Hey? I heard crying... Is, everything alright?"
"Just... Go away!" I yelled and sniffled.
"Amethyst?" The girl said, and I instantly knew who it was. That new girl, Pearl, was standing outside the stall door waiting for me to come out... I sighed and unlocked the door, as I stepped out I realized that my sleeves had rolled up showing my cuts.
"Amethyst..." Pearls gasped when she saw and I quickly pulled them down. "What happened?" She looked at me questioningly. "Tell me Amethyst..." My eyes began to water and overflow with tears as I spilled out my entire story to this... Stranger. I told Pearl how my mother died when I was born and that my father treated me like crap every chance he got.
She watched my every move and when I was done, she hugged me tightly. I don't understand what happened, something just clicked inside my brain telling me that she's the one. I could just feel that I can trust her... Even with the darkest of secrets.

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