Chapter 6

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Amethyst woke up feeling cold, Pearl wasn't in the bed with her anymore. "P?" She sat up and heard noises coming from the bathroom. "Pearl are yo-" she stopped when she realized Pearl was vomiting. "Oh no.. this is bad, bad bad bad!" she said under her breath. She walked over and crouched down near Pearl, slowly rubbing her back. "Shh it's alright, I'm here now..." Pearl looked at her, her usually tan skin was a light shade of pink, and her eyes were puffy. "P... you need to rest, come on" She helped Pearl to her feet and led her back to the bed, after flushing the toilet. She came back to see Pearl crying on the bed. "Hey, you okay P? why are you crying?" She sat down next to her, Pearl laid her head on Amethyst's shoulder. "I'm just a pain... I should've told you I was sick and then you wouldn't have to take care of me..." She continued to cry. "Hey it's okay, I want to take care of you P, I love you and I will never leave you like this. Now come on downstairs.. you need some medicine, and then I will put on a movie. Will that make you happy?" Pearl nodded and followed Amethyst down the steps and into the kitchen.

Amethyst's POV

I stood up on a stool so I could reach the medicine cabinet when the phone rang. I told Pearl to go sit on the couch while I ran to answer it.
"Hey, Amethyst?"
"Yeah... who is this?"
"Its Sapphire... Wheres Pearl?"
"She's not feeling well today so I stayed over to help her."
"Oh, is she okay?"
"Not really, she has a high fever and has been vomiting."
"Oh well.. tell her I said Hi."
"Will do Sapph, Bye"

I ended the call and got the medicine and water. "Okay Pearl, here drink this." I handed her a small cup filled with liquid medicine. She made a face and drank it, I handed her the water so she could wash it down. "Let me check your temperature again..." I got the thermometer for her, it read; 104.2.

Oh god... her fever is getting higher, I have to find a way to bring it back down... I looked in the freezer and grabbed and ice pack and a box of strawberry freezer pops. "Hey P, want a freeze pop?" She nodded so I got two and ran back to her. She was sitting on the couch all wrapped up in a blanket. I sat down and put the ice pack on her head, handed her a pop, and turned on the tv. "What do you want to watch?" She shrugged and licked her Popsicle, "Whatever is fine..." Her voice sounded raspy and strained. "You shouldn't talk, it could damage your voice..." she nodded and settled back down on the couch. I decided on Frozen and cuddled up next to Pearl, enjoying the day.

Pearl's POV

I sat on the couch with Amethyst leaning on me, I started to feel sick again. There was a trashcan next to the couch, I guess Amethyst put it there for me just in case. I grabbed it and threw up, a lot. I felt Amethyst's hands touch my back in a circular motion, I wiped my face and put the can down. I felt so helpless. "Pearl... do you want to lay down for a while?" I shook my head. "I want to stay with you..." She smiled and kissed my face. "I'll lay with you.." She laid down on the couch and let me curl up on top of her, my head on her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair and I soon fell asleep.

Amethyst's POV

Pearl looked so cute when she was Asleep... I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said loud enough so the person could hear me. The knob turned, Ruby and Sapphire walked in and sat on the floor. Sapphire smiled when she saw Pearl sleeping on me, "Awh that's so cute..." she whispered. I just rolled my eyes and placed the ice pack back on her forehead. "Shh P, I got you..." I cooed and continued petting her hair.
"How's she doing?" Ruby looked at me. "Eh not too well... she threw up again and her temperature is rising..." I said quietly, I didn't want to wake her. "Is there anything we can do?" Sapphire asked hopefully. "Uh yeah... can you watch her for a minute? I gotta pee." She laughed and I slowly got up from the couch, laying Pearl back down. I walked into the bathroom and threw up as quietly as I could... "Ugh I hate morning sickness..." I grumbled. I flushed the toilet and walked back into the livingroom to see Pearl vomiting again. I ran over and rubbed her back, Sapphire and Ruby seemed scared. "Let it out P, you'll feel better soon... Sapphire, can you get Pearl some water?" I asked and she nodded running towards the kitchen. She came back with a bottle of cold water, I opened it and handed it to Pearl who drank it gratefully. "Thanks Sapph..." she smiled and laid back down on the couch, reaching for me like a baby would to it's mother. This made Sapphire smile, I bent down and kissed her forehead sweetly before sitting next to her. "Ame?" She looked at me, "Yeah P?"
"You should tell them why you really left the room."
"Y-you were awake?" She nodded.

"Wait... tells us what?" Ruby asked, confused.
"I'm pregnant..." They stared at me in shock for a moment, then out of nowhere hugged me. "This is great!" Sapphire grinned and touched my stomach fondly. "Heh yeah..." I responded, looking to Pearl for help. She just laughed and drank more water. I awkwardly moved away from Sapphire to sit with Pearl again.
"So I guess you were being sick in the bathroom?" Ruby frowned and hugged me again. Seriously all the touching really isn't my thing... Pearl touched my arm, "My head hurts really bad..." I nodded and Got her some Advil, she still had her water from earlier so I didn't worry about that. "Here, take this with your water." I handed her two pills and she gladly took them. They are supposed to help with headaches and bring fevers down I believe.
"Well I guess we'll be leaving now... Don't want to get in the way while you're caring for your girlfriend." Ruby said as they walked out the door. 'girlfriend... I like the sound of that.'

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