Chapter 5

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Pearl's POV

I saw Amethyst down the hall and ran towards her, "Ame!" I called. I could see that she was crying. "Amethyst... what's wrong?" She turned around and hugged me.

"Pearl... I love you! Don't leave me..." She sniffled. "Shh Ame, I will never ever leave you." I started to feel a little light headed so I turned and walked to the nurse with Amethyst on my heels. "P, you feel okay?" I shook my head and sat down in one of the chairs, the nurse saw us and we went into her office.

"Hello girls, what can I do for you today?" She said, Amethyst was practically clinging to my arm. "I don't feel well miss Opal." I said, my face was flushed. "Hm, and you dear?" she pointed to Amethyst. "M-me? I uh..." "You should tell her..." I whispered in her ear. "Tell me what?" Apparently miss Opal heard me. "Well you see... I'm pregnant."

Opal nodded and told us to wait there, she came back a few minutes later to check mine and Amethyst's temperature. "Pearl, you have a fever of 103.4, Amethyst you are perfectly fine..." She nodded and looked at me. "Can I take Pearl home?" Opal nodded and called our teacher to tell her the news. We went to our lockers and got our stuff to go home, Amethyst held my hand the whole way. We got home and she held the door open so I could enter first and put my stuff down. "Perogi.. I didn't know you felt sick..." I looked down. "Sorry I just didn't want to worry you..." Amethyst smiled and led me up the stairs to our room. I sat down on our bed and stared at the wall while Amethyst went to get the thermometer from the bathroom. "Here" she put it in my mouth and sat with me, running her fingers through my short strawberry blonde hair. I loved her touch, soon the Thermometer beeped and she took it our of my mouth, frowning. She felt her skin and then felt my face and arms. "Pearl, stay here I need to get you a cool washcloth, you're burning up." And with that she left the room.

Amethyst's POV

Pearl had a fever of 104.0 now... this was getting serious. If she had told me she felt sick before we left this morning, I could have already brought her fever down... I opened the closet door to grab a cloth, I quickly put it in cold water then the freezer for a minute. I got the cold cloth and ran back upstairs where Pearl was still sitting on the bed. "Hey..." I whispered just in case she had a headache. She glanced up at me and smiled, I sat down and pulled her close to me. "You should lay down P" she nodded and laid down while I pulled the covers over her and set the cloth on her head. She shivered at the touch so I kissed her cheek. "Pearl, I'm not going to school until you're better. A fever this high could hurt you, you should try a cold shower or ice bath soon okay?" She nodded and smiled at me. "Amethyst? I love you so much!" She sat up and threw her arms around me, crying into my shoulder. I'm not exactly sure why she was crying but, I didn't mind. For the next hour or so I sat on our bed, holding Pearl, speaking softly and occasionally singing to her.

Pearl started sweating really bad, I had to help her get up and take her shower. "Come on P, just a little farther..." I coaxed. She was walking rather slowly and she stumbled a few times. "ugh I give up.." I picked her up bridle style and walked into the bathroom. I got the water ready, nice and cold, then left to let her shower. About fifteen minutes later she came out in nothing but a towel to cover her body, she grabbed the clothes I laid out for her and put them on . "Thanks Ame..." She sounded tired and probably was. I tucked her into bed and went downstairs to watch some television. Crying Breakfast Friends was on so I watched that for a while before heading up myself. I crawled in next to Pearl and looked at the ceiling. I felt something cuddle up to me and I see that Pearl had her arm over my chest and was breathing softly. I sang quietly to her.

"deep in the meadow, under the willow, a bed of grass, a soft green pillow. lay down your head, and close your eyes. and when they open the sun will rise. here its safe and here its warm, here the daisies keep you from every harm." I ran my fingers through her hair as she snored softly, her face now buried in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her steaming forehead, then I too fell asleep.

AW OMG!! It's just sooooo good! I'm having a lot of fun writing this!

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