Chapter 12

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Pearl woke up on the couch the night after the... incident. Her stomach was in knots.

"Perogi!" Amethyst yelled and Pearl shot up immediately.

"Gah! Amethyst! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She panted and sat up, groaning at the lump in her stomach.
"Whoa P, you okay?"

"Heh... yeah I'm good." She pushed herself off the couch and stretched her long arms.
"Can we go get lunch at that fish pizza place?" Amethyst begged.
"Eh... sure why not?" Pearl replied shrugging. She walked up the stairs to the bathroom and began to undress. She stepped into the shower and let the hot water pour onto her pale body. She sighed as she lathered her hair with the sweet smelling shampoo, working it into her scalp with her finger nails.

"Hey, Pearl, you ready yet?"
"Just a moment!" She yelled to Amethyst. She dried her hair and wrapped a towel around her body, she was careful not to rub her arms too hard. Small red slashes made their way from her wrist to her forearm. Pearl quickly dressed herself in short shorts and a sweater, her new choice of fashion, before meeting her girlfriend downstairs.
"Ugh finally P, you take way too long in the shower."
"Sorry Ame... let's go." They held hands as they walked down the beach towards the pizza place.

"Uh... Just give us the best pizza you have!" Amethyst practically shouted at Kiki Pizza.
"Ame,"Pearl elbowed her.
"be nice..." Amethyst rolled her eyes and muttered 'please'

"Comin' right up!" Kiki ran to the back of the shop to grab the pizza.

"Amethyst..." Pearl said lowly.

"Yeah P?"
"My stomach feels funny..."
"Hm, try going to the bathroom, I'll wait for you." She smiled and Pearl left the table.

"Here ya go Amethyst." Kiki sat the pizza down in front of her just as Pearl was getting back to their table. She eyed the pizza and took a slice after thanking Kiki.

"Alright P, dig in!" Pearl laughed at Amethyst and took a small bite of her pizza.

That evening they sat together, curled up on the couch watching a movie. Pearl began to feel lightheaded and went into the kitchen to get some water.
"Pearl?" Amethyst whined.
"I don't feel good..."
"Me either.." she said and got Amethyst a water too.
"Here, drink some water." Amethyst took it and slowly drank the refreshing water.
"Thanks Pearl."
"No prob Ame." She smiled a little bit and drank more water. Amethyst was restless on the couch with Pearl, and Pearl didn't seem to be so good either.

(Amethyst pov)

My stomach was hurting, a lot. Pearl looked even paler than usual and was drinking an awful lot of water. She gagged loudly and threw up in the trash can next to her.
"P-Pearl?" I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her thin waist.
"Go lay down..." I looked her in the eyes and she sighed, getting up to go o our room. A few minutes after she went up I began to feel nauseous and grabbed the trash can, I threw up just like Pearl had.

I walked up the steps to our room and opened the door, Pearl was leaning over the side of the bed puking into a bucket we keep for emergencies.
"What are you doing in here? I'm sick..."
"Me too..." I sniffed and sat next to her.

It must have been that pizza... I decided and rubbed Pearl's back comfortingly.
"Thanks Amethyst." She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes.
"You're welcome P..." I closed my eyes and cuddled up next to her, my arm draped over her chest. She sighed and pulled me closer so I was pretty much her blanket. I giggled at how cute she was, even when she didn't feel good.

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of running water, Pearl wasn't in bed anymore.
"She's probably just in the shower..." I concluded and and laid back down. I felt much better after a nights rest, just had a horrid headache.
"Pearl?" I called into the bathroom.
"Do you feel okay?"
"Uh... I guess..."
"Can I come in?"
"N-No! I'm not dressed... Give me a minute."

The shower turned off and Pearl slowly opened the door, while pulling on some shorts and a hoodie.
"Are you sure you're okay? I'm feeling much better than I did last night."
"Yes Amethyst.. I'm fine..."
"You know... you only had a few bites of pizza last night, and you have been out with Obsidian a lot lately. You said you felt sick even before we got our food... Oh my God... Pearl you aren't? No....."

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