Chapter 14

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Pearl sat alone in a bar, her "id" laid next to her on the counter. She downed another shot of straight vodka, one after the other. Her eyes were blood shot and her foot was tapping fast.
"Miss, you okay?" A man sitting on the stool next to her asked.
"Im.. fine..."
"Ya sure don't seem fine to me"
"Whoa now missy, no need to get snappy.."
She growled at him and turned her head. She wasn't doing so well. Her heart was crushed by the person she loved most.
"Amethyst..." she whispered aloud, and buried her face into her arms.
The man sighed and patted her back gently.
"Miss... I'm going to call you a cab to take you home."
Pearl barely had time to process what he said before he dialed a number and she was sitting in the back of a yellow taxi cab.
It pulled up in front of the house her and Amethyst shared. She got out and handed the driver some cash and stumbled to the doorway. The door was unlocked and Amethyst was on the couch.
"Pearl! Where we're you? I was worried sick!"
"Why would you care." She replied back, in a monotone voice.
"Because you're my girlfriend?"
"Oh so you're still calling me that? Thought you didn't love me anymore."
"Why would you think that, Pearl?"
"You got angry that I'm pregnant.."
Amethyst sighed. "I'm not angry with you.. I'm just upset that you didn't tell me sooner." She looked down at her lap.
Pearl sat down next to her and put a hand on her stomach. You could barely tell there was a baby in there. She sighed.
"I'm sorry I just left.. I didn't know what else to do.."
"It's okay P.."
"It's not... I feel gross. Like a slut..."
"You aren't a slut Pearl. Don't say that.."
"But I am.." she began to tear up.
Amethyst wiped away her tears.
"You are not a slut Pearl. You're my girlfriend and you are beautiful." She kissed her lips softly and looked into her eyes.

Pearl sniffled and hugged Amethyst tight.
"I love you..."
"You've been drinking haven't you..?"
Pearl looked down and nodded.
Amethyst sighed and took her by the hand.
"Come on, it's late. Let's get you to bed.."
Pearl nodded and followed Amethyst to their room.

The next morning Pearl was laying in bed. Her head ached and she was cold. She curled up, gripping the blankets tight.
Amethyst was already downstairs making breakfast. She hummed a song as she waited for Pearl.

Pearl finally got up and made her way down the stairs, only to crash on the couch moments later.
Amethyst put the food onto plates and walked over to the couch.
"Morning P."
Amethyst sat down and wrapped her arm around Pearl.
"How ya feel hon? Up for some food?"
Pearl shrugged. She felt sick and sad. She just leaned against Amethyst and sighed.
"Yeah.. I guess I could eat.."
Amethyst smiled a bit and handed her a plate with two pancakes on it.
"I made your favourite. Chocolate chip pancakes"
Pearl smiled and kissed her cheek
"Thank you Love.."

Amethyst turned on the television, putting on a movie. She sat and ate her own pancakes while Pearl simply picked at hers, only eating a little bit.
Pearl's hand was on her stomach, and she looked in pain. Amethyst scooted closer and placed her hand on top of Pearl's.
"It's alright P.. we'll get through this. Together."

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