Pt: 8 - Snooze

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Italics: Thinking

Normal: TalkingItalics: Thinking

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-2nd person pov-

You walked toward the convenience store and opened the door, allowing the fresh, airy scent of lavender to greet you.

You glanced around and noticed the cashier, who gave you a soft smile in return to yours.

Hurrying further inside, you could hear the sound of your heels with each step as you made your way to the freezers at the back of the store.

There were two freezers filled with cold drinks, and at the very bottom, you spotted a couple of water bottles.

Crouching down, you opened the freezer door and grabbed three water bottles.


"Why three?" A voice spoke from beside you. You looked up to see Bakugou, hands shoved in his pockets, looking down at you.

"Um... one for Kirishima and Mina to share," you started. "and two separate ones for me and you," you replied, feeling a bit anxious as you held the bottles.

"I don't need one," he said, glaring at you with his sharp red eyes.

"Okay..." you said, placing the bottle back in the freezer. You stood up and closed the freezer door.

For a moment, you stood in front of him, noticing the height difference between you two.

He was about 2 to 4 inches taller than you, even with your heels on.

You walked past him, holding two bottles, as you made your way to the over-the-counter medicine section with Bakugo closely following behind. 

You entered an aisle stocked with medications and picked up a small jar of acetaminophen. 

With everything you needed gathered, you turned and headed back toward the cash register area.


The cashier smiled at you as you approached her. You placed all your items on the counter in front of her.

She beamed as she picked up a water bottle and scanned it twice, then grabbed the medicine and scanned that as well.

"Will this be all?" she asked, smiling up at you while she packed your items into a plastic bag.

You glanced around for a moment and noticed a pack of gum. Quickly, you grabbed it from the rack and placed it on the counter.

She smiled, scanned the gum, and dropped it into the bag with your other items.

"Okay..." she said as she tapped some information on the cash register screen. "That'll be $7.99."

You nodded and reached into your purse to grab your wallet. Before you could pull it out, though, Bakugou handed the cashier a $10 bill.

You looked up at him, slightly shocked by his unexpected generosity.

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