Chapter 14 The Oracle and Granamyr

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Things were going normally on Eternia right now. Orko was busy working on things in his magic room. When he heard something. "Orko it is me the sorceress," the sorceress said through telepathy.

"I am here sorceress what is it?" Orko asked.

"Granamyr wishes to share somethings with you he says it is very important," the sorceress said.

"I will get He Man and we will go," Orko said.

"No he wishes to speak to you alone Orko," the sorceress said. "He says he feels it may be able to help you find more answers and find out how to grow into your own as a ringbearer and it is about your predecessor Azron," she said. "He feels if you know more about their friendship you will be able to understand things what it was like for him at times on Eternia before and after his exile," she said.

"I am on my way," Orko said. Then Orko got ready to go.

"Orko where are you going?" Adam asked.

"The sorceress reached out to me through telepathy," Orko said. "She said Granamyr wishes to talk to me alone and that he feels it may help me," he said. "He has stories about his and Azron's friendship and all that he has seen and heard from him since before and after he exiled himself," he said. "So I have to go," he said.

"Do be careful," Adam said.

Orko made it to Dark smoke and came into Granamyr's home. "Granamyr I am here," Orko said.

The Granamyr came out of his room. "Hello Orko I have been expecting you," Granamyr said. "Now you better sit down and get comfortable because this is a long story," he said.

Flashback starts. "It was thousands of years ago when I first met Azron I was a very young dragon back then and didn't know much about magic or being wise," Granamyr said. "I was still learning much about being a Dragon and I loved to fly freely and see what the humans were up too." he said. "One day I happened to see a very strange creature and he didn't seem human." he said.

A young Granamyr saw a young Azron headed towards castle grayskull. "What in Eternia is he?" a young Granamyr said. "I never seen anything like him." he said. Granamyr went in for a close look. "What is he?" he asked getting close. Then he felt something snap tight around his leg it was hunter trap. "Oh no I am stuck!" he said and tried breath fire on it but it was fire proof. "Oh no it was set by dragon hunters I am doomed somebody help!" he called out. He doubted anyone could hear him. But someone did. The strange creature approached Granamyr.

The strange creature proceed to free him from the trap. "There you go young dragon you are free," the young strange creature said.

"Thank you," Granamyr said. "I am Granamyr and I never seen anything like you on Eternia what are you?" he asked.

"I am Azron and I am a Trollan," Azron said.

"I have heard of Trollans the Dragon elder said they are some of the greatest wizards and magic users in all the universe," Granamyr said.

"That is true," Azron said. "I feel you are destined for great things Granamyr," he said.

"Me?" Granamyr said. "I mess up a lot I doubt I am destined for great things," he said.

"Trust me on this Granamyr sometimes our own destiny is much grander than we think it is because we think so lowly of ourselves," Azron said. "I once thought I would be nothing more than a mere mage smith and now here I am, I am now the Oracle of Trolla and helping train the champion of Eternia." he said.

"Well if you think I can do great things I guess I can try," Granamyr said.

So I began to try and things began to fall into place. I still saw Azron around and we became friends. He even introduced me He-Ro who I also became friends with. This was a fine time in my life. Years began to pass and I began to help both of them in their fights against evil. I even knew the sorceress who was of that time. Both her and Azron taught me great magic along with the dragon elder. One day my life changed. I found out the dragon elder who was oldest and wisest of us was sick and dying and he was going to choose one dragon to take his place. Both me and a Dragon named Shadow wing were the finalists. Both He-Ro and Azron were present along with the other masters of the universe. Shadow wing was one who loved power and was proud but I sensed there was darkness in his heart. I was worried I might not get chosen. Then the dragon elder let us know his choice who was going to be the next dragon elder and leader of the dragons.

"I have made my decision," the dragon elder said as he was dying. "Granamyr you will be the next dragon elder, you shown not only great skill, but great wisdom, kindness, loyalty, and understanding. You are the next dragon elder," he said. "You are the best choice," he said. Then put the helmet on Granamyr's head. "The dragons will look to you now," he said and died.

The dragons roared in grief and soon breathed fire to celebrate their new elder. Shadow wing was out raged. He wanted to be the next dragon elder and he was upset with choice. Once outside he attacked me and I fought back to defend myself and I had no choice but to send him away to be banished in another dimension. It hurt because I once considered him a friend.

"I know it was hard for you," Azron said. "I know what it is like to see a friend go bad, and become a foe," he said. "it is never easy," he said. "Just sometimes something changes in their heart or their thoughts and hopes and desires cause change," he said. "I know it is not easy but it will be okay," he said.

"Thank you my friend sounds like you know what I am going through," Granamyr said.

I was there when He-Ro was killed. It was a hard day for all the masters and Eternia. Azron took it the hardest and blamed himself. I let him know he is not the one to blame, he willing laid down his life from what I saw. But he didn't seem to want to listen to that and then he had Trolla close off it's borders upon having the rest of Trolla agree and had the rest of the head magic keepers of other worlds change their magic. They were worried about it but could understand his reasoning because of what happened. So they agreed to changing the magic. Azron after closing up the borders chose to remain on Eternia in exile and I would still see him on occasion. He said he will come some day. I ask who one day when he said it last time I saw him. He said the greatest of all ringbearers and my successor. I asked him who it was. He said I would meet him some day in the far future and that was all he was going to say and the rest was up to time to reveal. He would sometimes reveal full visions, other times he will one reveal parts of one, and other times keep to himself. He was unique in that way. But it has been years since I last saw my friend. I know he is out there and that he helped me a great deal and we helped each other.

Present day...

"So you see Orko if it wasn't for Azron I wouldn't have found out how my destiny would be the next elder if I didn't keep trying to do my best," Granamyr said. "he also saved me and we helped each other in all kinds of ways," he said.

"Wow I am amazed you and Azron helped each other and He-Ro," Orko said. "I know now that I have to keep trying and not give up," he said. "I know if I just keep trying I will find my own great destiny as a ringbearer," he said.

"Exactly Orko," Granamyr said. "I am glad you took that away as the lesson," he said.

"I hope to hear more about Azron from you," Orko said.

"I would like to share more of those stories very much with you," Granamyr said.

"Maybe sometime I can tell you about the dragons that live on Trolla," Orko said. "My uncle Montork befriended the storm dragons there and they are good friends," he said.

"That sounds like a fine story to hear," Granamyr said. "I would love to hear it someday." he said.

"Well I better get going, they will be worried if I don't come home to the palace soon," Orko said.

"I understand I hope we can talk again you ringbearer Orko," Granamyr said going back in his den.

Then Orko went back to the palace feeling ready to keep on trying.

"Hi in today's story you read how back in the past Granamyr when he was young and wasn't to sure of himself," the sorceress said. "But after meeting Azron who talked to him helped him realize he shouldn't stop trying," she said. "If you keep trying and not give up you will learn believe in yourself and that will make doing hard things easier." she said. "Until next time," she said.

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