Chapter 15 Orko's Advice

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Orko was out having fun with Adam, Teela, Andra and Damien. Cringer was even joining in. "This a lot of fun," Orko said.

"I'll say," Andra said.

"I got it, I got it!" Cringer said and got the ball when he tripped.

"Nice one Cringer," Teela said.

"Yeah nice going," Damien said.

"Way to go!" Andra said.

"That was impressive Cringer," Adam said. "You did great," he said.

"That was a great catch Cringer you okay?" Orko asked. "I saw you, trip and fall when you caught it," he said.

"I'm okay," Cringer said.

"That's good," Adam said.

The next day Orko was with Cringer while Adam had lessons with his father. Orko was out running around playing with him. "Orko I had enough," Cringer said.

"Cringer you normally like to play more than that," Orko said. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Promise not to tell anyone especially Adam," Cringer said. He came up to Orko and showed him his left front leg.

"It looks kind of swollen," Orko said.

"It hurts too," Cringer said. "I think I have a sprain," he said.

"If you think you have a sprain you need to tell Adam," Orko said. "Because that way he can get you help," he said.

"I don't need it, from what I know sprains heal on their own," Cringer said. "It is okay to use the part that is sprained," he said.

"But Cringer I don't think not telling is a good idea," Orko said.

"But He-man needs battle cat and battle cat can't be sidelined," Cringer said. "So I will be just fine," he said.

Orko was worried and concerned about this. He was wondering if Cringer was right. But he was also concerned about Cringer's wellbeing. He watched as Cringer hid the fact he was in pain and limping. Orko was concerned about it.

"Cringer I am very worried about this," Orko said a couple of days later. "I am very worried what may happen if you don't tell Adam about this," he said.

"Don't worry I am going to be fine," Cringer said. "After all there is nothing to worry about," he said.

Orko had things in his mind. He was thinking about Cringer's sprain. He was also thinking about how long Cringer could keep his pain a secret. He was also wondering what may happen if He man and Battle cat are needed. He was in Man At Arms lab and was helping put something together. "There we go that should do it," Man at Arms said. "That takes care of that," he said. "Thank you for your help Orko," he said. "I am glad you helped without trying to cause mischief or use magic," he said. Then he saw the look in Orko's eyes. "Is something on your mind Orko?" He asked him.

"Man At Arms I have a question," Orko said.

"Good ahead and ask," Man at arms said.

"Do sprains always heal by themselves and it is okay to use the sprained body part?" Orko asked.

"Well if the sprain is very minor or a slight sprain yes to both," Man at arms said. "But sometimes a sprain needs help to heal," he said.

"You mean help like from you or a doctor?" Orko asked.

"Yes sometimes a sprain can be a very serious matter," Man at arms said. "Sometimes a brace, or cast, or surgery is needed to help a sprain heal," he said. "Sprains also need rest and being iced to help it healed." He said. "So in other words sprains need care in order to help them heal properly," he said.

"I will be back later I need to do something," Orko said. He found Cringer under a tree in pain from his sprain. "Cringer it is time you tell Adam about your leg," Orko said.

"Orko I am fine, sprains heal themselves," Cringer said.

"Sprains don't always heal themselves," Orko said. "I asked Man at arms about sprains and he said they need help to heal sometimes," he said. "So if you don't tell Adam it will cause you and battle cat problems. Then you won't be able to help anybody as Cringer or Battle cat," he said. "So you need to tell Adam so you can get help for your sprain," he said.

"I know I have to, but I am worried I might let Adam and He man down if I do tell," Cringer said.

"Cringer admitting you are hurt isn't the same as letting someone down, especially your friends and family." Orko said. "You have to let them know about that kind of stuff," he said. "You put what you are doing and going to do at risk and you put yourself in great danger," he said. "Do you want me to go with you when you tell Adam?" he asked him.

"Yes please," Cringer said. Orko and Cringer headed to Adam. They found Adam in the study.

"Hey Orko and Cringer," Adam said.

"Adam I have something I need to tell you," Cringer said. Then he came up and allowed Adam to see him limping.

"Cringer you're limping," Adam said.

"I hurt myself while playing a few days ago when I made that catch," Cringer said. "I think I have a sprain." He said.

"Cringer why didn't tell me when it happened?" Adam asked.

"I didn't want to let you or He man down," Cringer said.

"Cringer admitting you are hurt is not letting me or He man down," Adam said.

"That is what I told him," Orko said. "I have been trying to get him to tell you a for a few days," he said.

"Now Cringer let's get you to Man at arms so he can fix you up after looking at that leg." Adam said.

Man at arms took a look at Cringer's leg. "Well it doesn't look too bad, he doesn't need surgery or cast, but a wrap like brace will due just fine, and a nice long rest off the leg too," Man at arms said. Then began to wrap the wrap Cringer's leg.

"Thanks for going with me when I told Adam Orko," Cringer said. "I should have told him for the very start," he said. "I am glad to have a friend like you who is willing to give advice," he said.

"I was happy too," Orko said. "My uncle Montork taught me you can't give 100%, unless you are at 100%," he said.

"I understand that now," Cringer said.

"I'm glad," Orko said. Then Cringer licked Orko's concealed face.

"Hi in today's story you read how Cringer had been hurt and was worried about telling about it," Man at arms said. "He was worried he might let Adam and He man down," he said. "But he learned that telling someone you are hurt is not the same as letting them down," he said. "So if you are hurt don't worry about letting your friends or family down if you tell, they will be glad you told," he said. "Until next time," he said.

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