Chapter 1

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Katniss' POV:

Earlier today, when I arrived to District 12, Gale and I went hunting. He kissed me and told me he loves me. I turned him down as gently as possible. I don't love him like that.

The weird thing, though, is that when he kissed me I didn't feel that spark that Peeta's kisses always gave me since the time we kissed after Clove died. I thought it was supposed to happen every time you kissed someone. What is happening to me?

After unpacking I decide that should take some of the boxes out to the trash.

I look for some boxes in the kitchen but find none. I go to the living room and find some by the window. I pick them up. When I stand up I notice I can see Peeta's living room from mine. Our windows are lined up. But what catches my eye is that Peeta is on his couch snuggled with Delly Cartwright. I feel like I could rip his throat off. Has he forgotten about me already? Was he only acting? I shake that thought out of my head. I'm just mad because he is risking my family's life. Snow is surely watching us. I keep telling myself that but deep down I know is something more.

I see them stand up and walk away and decide is a good time to take the boxes out.

Boy was I wrong.

I walk out at the same time as Peeta and Delly do. I put the boxes on the trash bin and turn to go back inside but find Delly and Peeta in a full on make-out session. What the hell?! I feel so hurt. Like someone literally ripped my heart out. What is this I'm feeling?

They brake apart and Delly walks away while I just stand there staring. Peeta seems to finally notice me but only gives me a friendly smile and wave before he walks back into he's house.

He's over you Katniss. You should be happy. I tell myself but no matter what I still feel... What's it called... Heartbroken? ... Jealous? Ugh! Why is this happening to me?

I decide to ask Prim.

"Prim how does it feel to be jealous?" I ask her.

"Well, it depends on what type of jealousy." She says.

"Like in girlfriend/boyfriend love type." I say.

"Well, you feel like you could rip that girl's/boy's eyes out." She says.

"And what if you are in love with a person but you're not together but you once were? How does it feel then?" I ask.

"You feel really sad because you feel like he/she has forgotten about you and then if he is with someone else now you feel heartbroken. Why?" She ask.

"Oh, it's nothing Little Duck." I lie.

"Let me guess: You saw Peeta and Delly kissing and now you're not sure about your feelings for him?" She says.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"I saw them kissing and I can see it in your face." She explains.

"I have a lot thinking to do. Good night Little Duck." I say.

"Goodnight Katniss." She say and I go to sleep.

I try to sleep but I can't. I keep thinking why should I be jealous I should be happy that he found someone else but nooo. Right now my mind it's like a constant game of he loves me, he loves me not only in this case it is I love him, I love him not.

Eventually after a few hours of tossing and turning I fall asleep.

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