Chapter 15

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Peeta's POV

I switch the tv on. To night there's a mandatory viewing. I think it might be Katniss's wedding dresses until Snow come on tv.

"This year we are celebrating another 25 years of the Hunger Games. Each Quarter Quell has a special twist to it, to show how bad the rebellion was. On the 25th Hunger Games, the tributes were chosen by the people of the district, showing that it was our decisions that got us where we are. On the 50th Hunger Games double of the usual tributes were chosen, to show that for every Capitol person that died, two rebels died." Snow says pausing to get the envelope from a box with a number 75 on it. "On this 75th Hunger Games the tributes reaped shall be siblings, to show that we all have our brothers' blood on our hands. Good night." He finishes.

I sit there shocked not knowing what to do. I'll have to mentor siblings. This games will be rough.

Suddenly, there's a knock on my door. I get up and open it. It's Delly.

"Hey, Delly. What are you doing here?" I says surprised to see her here this late at night.

"I need to talk to you." She says.

"Come on in." She does as told and we sit on the couch. She looks at me with a serious face.

"I was wrong." She says.

"What?" I ask, not quite understanding what she's saying.

"I was wrong about Katniss liking you. I saw her kissing that Gale dude." She says. I feel jealous. I thought she actually was falling for me. Was I wrong? I always knew she had goggly eyes for him, anyway.

"What are you talking about?" I ask just to be sure in hearing this right.

"Peeta, Katniss doesn't like you like more than a friend. I was wrong. She's a really good actress but I was able to see through her. I am now saving you from getting heartbroken again. I'm sorry." She lets a tear slip from her eye. It breaks my heart to see her cry, though, no more tears follow that one.

"When did you realize this?" I ask.

"When I realized I was the one who really loves you. Not her." She says with an angry, crazed undertone to her voice. I look at her in shock.

"I don't know what to say Delly. This a lot of information to take in. I need time to think." I say. I really don't.

"It's okay. I understand. You know where to find me when you make up your mind." She says giving me a hug.

"Thank you for being so understanding." I say.


"What are best friends for?"  She says and walk away.

It makes me glad to know whatever I decided I'll still have my best friend. But now the question is who do I love? I like Delly. But I like Katniss too. Do I love Katniss? Do I love Delly?

Ugh! This is so confusing!

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