Chapter 21

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Peeta's POV

After our date, Katniss and I walk to the bakery to ask my dad about the discovery she had made looking into her yearbooks. When we get there, we enter through the back door and find my dad baking a cake.

"Hey, dad." I say.

"Hello Peeta, Katniss." He greets us.

"Mr. Mellark, we have a question for you. Did Peeta and I used to be friends when we were little?" Katniss asks going directly to the point of our visit.

"Oh, yes! Not only were you friends, you were best friends. Ever since the first day of school. You guys would come around here or go to Katniss's place. You would paint on the pavement with chalks. I remember you, Katniss, once tried to get Peeta to teach you to draw a butterfly, though you were never satisfied by your drawings. That was until around 4th or 5th grade when Peeta came home one day, that Delly girl tagging along. When I asked him were you were, he said you and him had never officially met by that he'd be upstairs with his best friend, Delly. I thought nothing of it at the time. I though you guys got into a bad fight, though, that seemed strange because you never fought. Not each other at least. I guess it all worked in the end." He says eying our intertwined hands.

"Yes. It did indeed. We'll be on our way." I say.

"See you guys." He says and goes back to baking.

Katniss and I walk out. It's silent for a minute.

"I can't believe she did that to us." Katniss says.

"And to think I might have ended up with her." I shiver. Katniss laughs. "Let's go home, princess."

*2 weeks later*

Today, is the reaping for the quell. I can't believe I'll be a mentor this year. My prep team and Portia arrive at 9:00am. It's a long process to get me ready, but they eventually do.

I meet Katniss outside the Victor's Village. We walk to the Justice Building together. This will be w long day. After a lot of commotion, everyone is finally on their places. There's only one bowl of named this year. As Effie picks out the paper, everything is death silent.

"Sebastian and Valeria Galindo." Effie calls out the names written on the paper. The crowd clears, and up the stage walk two people with brown hair. The girl has hazel eyes and her hair is in a simple braid. She looks to be about 15 and she hold onto her brother's arm as they come up the stage. The boy has green eyes that have a determined look to them. His hair is straight and he looks talk and strong. He would have a chance in the games, though, as I see him trying to comfort his sister, I know he'll do anything to get her out. Both of them look to be from the Seam, though, I know their father is wealthy, so that makes me believe they are descendants from Hispanics. 

"Very well, this year's tributes; Valeria and Sebastian Galindo. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor." Effie says and the tributes are escorted to the Justice Building to say their final goodbyes.

My suspicions of them having Hispanic antecedents is confirmed when we meet them in the train again. They're yelling at each other in Spanish, with no accent, when we walk in.

"Eres mi hermanita menor! Tengo que protegerte!" Sebastian yelled.

"No! Yo ya soy grande! Me puedo cuidar sola! Aparte, tienes que volver por-" Valeria abruptly stops when she sees us.

"Would you like us to come back later?" I ask.

"No. You're fine." Valeria says with a strong accent.

"I'm going to bed." Sebastian murmurs grumpily with the same accent. 

"Sorry but I gotta go check on my brother." She says following him.

"It's okay." Katniss tells her before Valeria chases after her brother.

This'll be harder than I thought.

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