Chapter 7

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Katniss's POV

I watch as Peeta walks back to his house. I try not to check him out, but I can't help myself. Snap out of it, Katniss! He just told you he just wants to be friends with you! I have to say I was little disappointed when he said it. Ok. A lot.

It hit me hard that he's now with Delly. Not because she's a bad person. Not at all. She's a lot like Peeta, actually. They're both so nice to everyone. And sweet. And charming. They're both morning people and cheery. They both have blonde hair and blue eyes. None of them is ugly. They would have beautiful babies. No wonder they're best friends. And now dating.

Yet, I can't help but feel jealous. It's just, I feel hurt every time I picture Peeta holding Delly like he once held me. Kissing her like he once kissed me. Loving her like he once loved me. But I didn't appreciate it. I don't deserve it either. She does.

Before I realized it, darkness has taken over the sky. I walk back home thinking how things would have been like if I liked Peeta the way he liked me, but quickly shake the thought once I realize it's there. We can't and we won't be together. He's with Delly, and I never want to fall in love. I've seen what it did to my mom, and in a place like Panem , anything could happen to him.

I get in and have dinner with my family. As we dine, Prim gets a glimmer in her eyes, as if she just remember the most amusing thing in the world.

"I saw you with Peeta out there." She says wiggling her eyebrows teasingly.

"So?" I ask not quite understanding what she means.

"Are you like a thing now?" She asks directly.

"No. He's with Delly now. I don't think he loves me as much as he claimed. Maybe he was acting, too." I say sounding more disappointed than what I think I am.

"I see..." Prim says seeming to catch my tone. "... I shipped you guys together y'know?"

"What's 'ship'?" I ask not understanding half of what she's saying.

"It's when you like two people together. Very much. Much more if they're your OTP (One True Pairing). Usually, you give them a name combining theirs. Yours and Peeta's was everlark." She explains.

"Why everlark?"

"Because putting your names together it Peeniss. With double e and double s. But you can get easily confused." She says. The rest of dinner is eaten in silence.

Later, I go to bed. And let the nightmares start.


I walk through the woods. But this are not district 12's woods. I don't know where I am.

"Katniss! Help!" I hear a call on the distance. I would recognize that sweet voice anywhere. Peeta! He's in trouble! I gotta save him!

"Katniss! No! Please stop! Help me! Katniss!" Peeta's cried for help continue as I run through the forest trying to get to him. Who could hurt my sweet boy with the bread?

Katniss! He's not yours! Focus! My mind yells at me.

Finally, after what seems an eternity of running, I reach Peeta. What I see breaks my heart. He trusted her! That bitch!

"How could you?" I say bitterly as Delly hovers over Peeta with knife in hand and he shakes like a Chihuahua.

"How could I? This is your fault for breaking his heart. If you liked him like he liked you, he would have never fallen for me. You were key to my plan." She explains making me feel super guilty.

"Leave him alone." I say.

"Ha! In your dreams." She says and stabs Peeta on the stomach, running away right after.

"Peeta!" I exclaim and kneel down next to him. "It's gonna be okay! I got you!" I feel such a desperation right now, I can't even explain.

"It's okay, Kat." He says tucking a pice of my hair behind my ear. "I'll be in a better place. You'll be okay. You'll still have Gale."

"But I don't want Gale." I whine like a toddler.

"It'll be alright. Just promise you'll be happy."

"I can't. I wouldn't be able. Don't leave me."

"Please, for me?"

"Okay." I say reluctantly.

"I love you." Are his last words to me.

I hug him. I cry on his chest. I beg him to come back. He never does.

"I love you too."

*End of nightmare*

I wake up with a start. I can't believe that dream. But my first thought is 'It's Peeta okay?'

Not really thinking about the time I walk into the studio and call Peeta.

"Kat are you okay?!" Is the first thing Peeta says.

"Yes. I'm sorry. I just... I had a nightmare. I thought you were dead." I say silently with tears falling down my face.

"It's okay. I'm okay. It's alright." He says with his honey sweet voice.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for waking you up." I say once I'm soothed.

"It's no problem. If you ever need me, you know where to find me." I can't believe that he's so good to me after all I've done.

"Thank you. I'll talk to you later."

"Sure, Kat. Bye." He says and hungs up.

"Bye." I whisper even though I know he can't hear me.

Am I in love with Peeta Mellark?

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