Chapter 8

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Delly's POV

Unless I use this plan to favor me...

My sweet best friend has always been a gullible person. He always believes what people say because he always tells the truth. Except when it comes to his mother. It's not in his nature to lie, so it never crosses his mind that someone might be lying. That's why he fell for Everdeen's little act. Even if she did fall. But her not realizing her love for Peeta is of my convince. I'll have a couple more dates with Peeta were I'll do all in my power to get him to fall for me without him noticing what I'm doing. Then, I'll tell him how I was 'wrong' and that 'Katniss didn't fall for him'. I'll help him get over that Seam Rat. Show him that she's not what he thinks. She's an actress. I'll tell him that she's better known for the things that she does on the mattress. He'll be mine faster than you could say sabotage (the first user to comment the correct song gets a shoutout!). I'll laugh at Everdeen's face when she sees I took her unconditional lover. And I will get my Peeta finally. She won't know what hit her when Peeta falls on his knees for me. Well, she's the one who wasted her chance. Not me. Actually, I am now given a chance. I won't be as brainless as her as to not take it. After all, Peeta is the most coveted boy of District 12. He's the only one who doesn't know it. And apparently Katniss as she wasted her chance. If I had her right in front of me I would tell her how stupid she was for doing so. Chances like that come only once in a lifetime. She wasted hers. She'll never have another. And now, I'll take that boy. Because every girl, and some boys, want a Peeta Mellark. She let go of him and I caught him. I'll make that boy fall in love with me so deeply, that Seam Rat will be forever forgotten. And maybe in the future we'll be able to come up with a fascinating story for the Capitol so me and Peeta can be together without anyone dying. Beware, Seam Rat, I'm coming.

Let the race for Peeta's heart... begin.

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