Chapter 6: No Distractions

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I woke up on the this morning on the couch with a sleeping Ryan under my arm. Quan was passed out in the recliner, snoring loud as fuck.

I looked at the clock that read 11:57 AM.

Damn, we was knocked out.

Shit! I just remembered the assignment I had to do for Mr. Ortiz. I haven't even read the dumb ass book. I got up carefully, making sure I don't wake Ryan. I headed into my room with my backpack and pulled out the book Animal Farm.

I read the first 5 chapters. It wasn't bad, so a read a couple more chapters for fun. Then I pulled my assignment out and worked on it.

Thinking it would take all day, it only took a couple hours.

I went back into the living room where Ryan and Quan was still asleep. This was the perfect opportunity to use the new blow horn app I had on my phone. Don't ask why.

I made sure the volume was all the way up, put on my noise cancellation headphones and blew the house.

Both Ryan and Quan jumped up.

"What was that!?" Ryan yelled.

"What you say!?" Quan yelled back. "I can't hear you!"

I was cracking up.

Ryan was mad. "What you laughing at? Wait until the next time you go to sleep."

"Fuck you man! And yo uncomfortable ass chair. Ima take my ass home and get some real sleep." Quan said before storming out the house.

"Ight! I'll see you tomorrow nigga." I yelled out to him as he got into his car.

He flicked his middle finger up before driving off.

Ryan was fixing herself some noodles.

"What we doing today?" I asked.

"Nothing. I don't wanna run into anymore of your friends." Ryan replied.

"I'm sorry Ry. I didn't know they would be following me everywhere."

She didn't reply. She just got her noodles, sat down and ate.

I sat across from her. "How's mama doing?"

She shrugged and played in her food.

"She stays in her room most of the time. She acts like she doesn't know me."

I shook my head. "How do you feel about it?"

"It hurts. She walks pass me in the house like I'm a stranger. She doesn't speak or sit at the table with me and Granny at dinner, she goes in her room. I don't even try to speak to her anymore." Ryan's voice cracked.

She dropped her fork and held her head. I heard her sobbing and I moved over to her and comforted her.

"It's okay Ry."

"No it's not Ronny. Why wouldn't she wanna talk to me? What did I do to her? Is it something wrong with me?" She cried.

"No, there is nothing wrong with you. And I don't want you to ever think there is. Ma has her own issues she doesn't know how to work out." I told her, rubbing her shoulder.

"Was she like that before you moved out?"

"She wasn't around much. When she was there, she acted like she's acting now. That was until dad passed away. That's when I moved in with Granny."

"Where was mom?" Ryan asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know." I wanted to say I didn't care, but I didn't want Ryan feeling like she shouldn't care about our mother. "I know what we can do today."

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