Chapter 23: In The Closet

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I dropped the gun to my side in complete shock.

"I've been in love with you since we were kids man."

I shook my head. "And you just now telling me this shit?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how. And I definitely didn't wanna lose you."

"You know I'm 100 percent straight right? Strictly pussy."

"I know, but it's never changed the way I feel. You just make a nigga feel..."

"Nah, I don't make a nigga feel no type of way. Don't even finish that fucking sentence."

There was a look in Quan's eyes that just screamed some nasty shit. I shook my head once again. "I gotta get up outta here."

Quan grabbed me. "Don't tell nobody Ronny, please."

Everybody know I ain't no snitch, but this secret was too big to keep.

"I might last a couple days, but you gon have to come out the damn closet cause you know I wanna tell Jon."

"I will, give me some time.. But are we still cool?"

No. Is what I wanted to say, but after all that we've been through together the word couldn't come out. "Yeah, man. But this some heavy ass shit."

I didn't even give Quan enough time to respond. I fled and sat in my car, contemplating what to do next.

Then I dialed and started the call.


"You won't believe this shit."


Next Morning (Wednesday)

I couldn't even sleep last night, shit was way too heavy.

After my routine, I went to Granny's. I knocked and she opened the door.

"You look tired baby. What's the matter?"

I sat down on the couch and rubbed my face. "It's too much Granny."

"What is it boy?"

"Now I know why Quan hates Candace so much."

She sat next to me. "Because?"

"He's gay."

"WHAT!?" Ryan said, sneaking up on us.

"Yeah, he's gay." I said calmly. "And he's in love with me."

Heads shook, with no words to say.

"Where is this coming from?" Ryan asked.

I shrugged. "I'm just as confused as you. Let's go Ry."

This car ride was mostly quiet, besides the radio.

"I still can't believe QUAN is gay!" Ryan blurted, shaking her head.

"Never seen it coming." I mumbled.

"Are y'all still gonna be friends?"

I rubbed my face. "To be honest with you, ion know. That's our buddy, but if he cross the line..."

"He cut off." She finished.

"Right. We'll see how this goes."

"Well," Ryan said as I pulled up to her school, "good luck. Bye."

I watched her walk into the school and drove on down the street. Everybody was in they normal spot.

"Sup y'all." I dapped everyone, including Quan tryna play cool.

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