Chapter 9: Making The 'Drop'

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"So where the hell you been?" The driver, Bunk asked. Bunk was a old cat, but he cool.

I started cheesing thinking about Mila and her freaky ways. "Getting some pussy"

"Ayee, my nigga!" Quan dabbed me up.


"This girl at lunch today, Mila. She's real easy, but she got that good good."

"Damn yungin'." Bunk said.

You took her to yo crib tho?" Quan asked.

"Nah, man. I went to her crib, she live right around the corner."

"Hol up hol up... When I called you was at home." Quan said, confused.

"I was supposed to meet Candy at my house a little after 7. I was late cause I was with Mila."

"Who the fuck is Candy? A stripper or something?"

"Nah nigga! It's short for Candace. She ain't like that." I said, getting a little defense, "we partners at school. I came home late and I smelled like sex and shit so I went to take a shower. After that you called so I didn't get a chance to even say much to her. She was pissed."

Bunk shook his head. "She should be, You stood her up for some pussy."

"It was on accident Bunk!"

I thought he would understand outta all people. This man was an old school pimp. He still pimpin'.

"That don't make it better young buck. Y'all lil niggas gon learn."

The rest of the ride was silent.

When we got to the location, it was a nice suburban neighborhood.

"Ight lil niggas. Hurry the fuck up." Bunk said as he parked in front of a blue two story house.

Quan and I got out the car and knocked on the door.

A skinny, bald black dude opened the door.

"Y'all late."

"I'm sorry sir, something came up." I said.

He looked at me like I spit in his face. "Does it look like I give a fuck about any of that? That's how you lose business. Y'all an hour late, so I'm only paying half."

Boss said this might happen.

Quan shook his head. "Nah man, don't matter if we was a day late. We need that money, so pay up."

The skinny man chuckled. "And if I don't?"

Quan pulled out a glock and placed it in the middle of the man forehead.

I'm looking at Quan like "what the fuck man?" This was not apart of the plan.

The man didn't flinch. "Still only paying half."

"Man, we need that money. If you just pay up, I'll bring you double next time." I said. "Put the gun down man." I told Quan.

"Won't be no next time! Are you deaf or just plain stupid?" The man spat in my face while Quan still had the gun to his head. He real bold.

"Never mind then. Handle ya business man." I told Quan and started looking around the house for things we could sell.

Quan sighed. "Nah man. We gon do this the right way. We'll take half." He said and put the glock in his pants. At least that's what I looked like he was doing.

What he was really doing is putting a silencer on the gun.

"I'm glad you two have some common sense," the man said. "I'll be back."

The man came back with a bundle of money. He gave it to me as I gave him the blow.

"Now y'all get to stepping." The man said, heading up the stairs.

"Wait sir! You forgot something."

He turned around. "Wh-"

He rolled down the steps with a bullet to the head.

"Really Quan!?"

"Man shut the fuck up and look for some expensive shit."

"Daddy! I can't find Mr. Noodles!" A little voice said from upstairs.

Quan and I both looked up and it was a little girl there. She looked down the steps and seen her daddy. She started running down the steps when Quan shot her in the chest.

"QUAN!!!!!" I yelled. The little girl trampled down the rest of the steps head first.

Quan stepped over their bodies and headed upstairs. "Find something down here."

I paced all around downstairs. I was nervous, so nervous that my brain wasn't functioning. After growing a couple balls, I went into the man's office, where he got the money from.

He left his safe open. That's real smart. I pulled my gloves out my back pocket and put them on. I grabbed all the money left in it and closed it.

"Let's go Quan!" I yelled.

Quan had a grocery bag full of jewelry. He jumped over the stair rail and we ran out the door.

"Wait dumbass!" We ran back in the house and got the drugs from his office. Damn, that was my fault.

We finally ran back out to the car.

"Took y'all long enough! What happened!?" Bunk said as we got in.

"Man just drive! Code red." Quan yelled, getting frustrated.
With that, Bunk sped off.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Bunk asked.

"He wasn't." I replied.

"Me!? I wasn't in there by myself!"

"Nobody told you to shoot up the place dumbass!"

"Well excuse me for tryna look out for you!"

"What the hell we gon tell boss Quan!?"

Quan shrugged. "We did what we had to do."

"What about the lil girl!?"

Bunk stopped the car when we was far enough from the crime scene. "A lil girl????"

"What about her? She was gon snitch man!" Quan snapped. "I'm not tryna leave no witnesses! Don't act brand new!"

"Brand new?" I said defensively.

"You heard me." Quan focused out the window.

Bunk drove us back to the trap. "Y'all go talk to the boss and hope ya heads don't get chopped off."

Quan and I headed to the office.

The boss looked up. "Wassup?"

I dropped the drugs on his desk.

Boss looked furious. "So you didn't sell it!?"
I dropped all the money and Quan emptied the bag of jewels.

"Old dude dead." Quan said nonchalant. "We got everything you needed and more."

The boss had no words. He leaned back in his chair for a minute. Then he picked some cash and played with it.

He passed Quan $500. "That's a bonus for handling business. You can go now."

"Ight, 'preciate it." Quan said and headed out the door. I followed behind him.


I turned around. "Yes sir?"

He handed me $500 as well. "Don't be late again."

I nodded and headed out.

It's been a hell of a night.

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