Chapter 1

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The sky was as black as can be with a new moon and the beautiful stars twinkling as usual. It seemed like a peaceful night. Little did anyone know what was to happen under these beautiful lights. The night air blew my hair in my face as I sat on the roof watching for our target. I knew exactly what I was looking for, and when it should be in my sight.

I heard a crackle in my earpiece "Hey, you reading me?" asked the voice of one of my partners. I assume it is Richard, though on missions we call him Shadow Scythe (our weapons specialist).

"Hear ya loud and clear." I replied while pressing a button on the earpiece. Then almost as soon as I said that, our target walked into my sight. "The target is in sight." I said as I was adjusting my position so I can take off at any moment.

"I see him too." Replied a more feminine voice. With how high it sounded I guessed it was Rachel, also known as Shadow Hack (our hacker).

"Is everyone ready to do this?" Shadow Scythe asked with a melancholy tone.

I sighed "Ready as can be" I stated with my jaw set. I wish we didn't have to do this. But with who we are we don't really have a choice. We must do our mission, or suffer the consequences.

"Dominique and I are in place. Ready for the pick up." Stated another girls voice. It was lower then Rachel's, so it must be Sophia, also known as Shadow Blade (another weapon specialist). Then there is Dominique. Also known as Shadow Beast . He hardly talks, and when he does it sends chills up your spine. He is a monster thus his codename. He enjoys doing this job, while it makes me sick to my stomach.

"Shadow Wisp, converge on the target now." Shadow Scythe said. I started moving across the roof. After our target. Our target is a man in his thirties who has made a lot of enemies. Which is why we are here. his enemies hired us, and now we are to make him pay for making those people his enemies. I slid down the ladder into the dark alley. I have been memorizing this neighborhood for this mission. So then I can make a clean entrance, and a clean escape. When I peeked out the alley he was coming closer to me. Soon I would pull him into this alley, and do what his enemies were paying me and my partners to do.

He was on his phone looking across the street and waving at people. He was distracted and close enough to grab, and that is what I did. I grabbed him from the back of his collar and tugged him in and slammed him into the wall. And in that time he dropped his phone which I kicked it away. He tried to fight back as I knew he would. But I had experience when he did not. I punched him in the gut repeatedly, knocking the wind out of him and slamming him into the wall each time. Then I let him go and he collapsed to the ground holding his stomach trying to catch his breath.

"The item is ready for pick up" I said into my earpiece knowing that everyone of my partners were waiting on that. It was their cue to start the mayhem. And almost as soon as I said it there were screams and gunshots back at the theater. That would be Shadow Scythe with Shadow Hack. They are to plant a bomb for when the cops arrive so that way they would be distracted by that and not be able to give chase.

I grabbed our target by the collar of his shirt and practically dragged him to the street. Shadow Beast and Shadow Blade should be driving up any moment so I can throw him in and pick up the others. Once I reached the street with the man I could see the van coming. As soon as they drove up next to me Shadow Blade threw open the door and I threw the guy in. And hopped in. Once in I saw that the others had already been picked up. I sat in-between Shadow Scythe and Shadow Hack and Shadow Hack handed me a remote with one button. "Would you do the honors?" She asked with a little smile that I could faintly see through her cloth mask that covers her nose and below. All us girls have the exact same mask.

Shadow Hack has Beautiful shoulder length blond hair that looks almost like gold. She often wears it in a ponytail. At the moment she was wearing a long sleeve black shirt with skinny jeans. and she had a belt that had a cellphone, gun, and a sharp knife in its sheath. Her skin is fair and her aqua eyes always seem to be smiling.

I nodded my head to her and pushed the button. The explosion happened right as the police arrived to the scene. They didn't even notice our van speeding off.


We drove up to our hideout and Richard grabbed the target by the arm and tugged him inside. Richard is a young man with brown shaggy hair, and beautiful Hazel eyes that seem to shed a light all their own. At the moment he is wearing a black shirt that is tight enough to see his muscles and his six-pack. You can see scars on his arm crossing each other or being on their own. Each scar has a story to us. We all have scars. But none of us tell each other the story behind our scars.

"Shadow Wisp, wait up!" Sophia called running up to me when I was at the door. She had jet black hair cut short, it was barely to her chin. She also had black eyes, and was pretty short. She ran up to me and gave me a sweet smile, unlike that of her brother who was following her. Dominique has military cut jet black hair and a jagged scar across his jaw. He nodded to me and slid past me and as I turned to go in he slammed the door in my face.

"Guess he wants me to take watch." I said grumpily rubbing my nose. That's when Sophia laughed. I turned to her for an explanation. And once she saw the look on my face her face changed. It no longer was happy, but it looked apologetic.

"They figured you wouldn't want to be in there." she sighed out.

"And why is that?" I asked raising my brow at her. Knowing that she would at least see that on my face do to my mask.

"They are going to torture him. He has information and....." She stopped and looked at me. I just simply nodded and walked away. I understood. This is the type of mission I hate the most. I prefer the missions where we either threaten to come back and make him sorry, or a swift painless death. I can't stand being in the room when torturing. And I guess they all figured that out.

I stood leaning against the barn. The others were in the house torturing the poor man. And no matter how hard I tried I couldn't tune out his screams of pain, of fear, pleading for them to just kill him. I couldn't help the tears from rolling down my cheek.

"You alright?" I heard a huskie voice ask. Chills went down my spine when I heard that voice.

I quickly wiped away the tears and nodded. I hated showing weakness in front of my team. He walked over and placed his hand against the barn next to my head, leaning in on his hand. "You sure?" He asked gruffly looking at me with his dark black eyes that seemed to look into your soul.

"I'm fine." I spit out. Then I thought for a second. "Why are you out here?" I asked a little hesitantly.

He looked down and scuffed his feet. "We can't get the information out of Mr. Grayson." he looked up at me then. "We need you to get the information." He stated as emotionless as a robot. He knows I don't like even being near them when they torture. Now they want me to do the torturing!

"How badly do we need this information?" I asked trying to hide my anger.

"If we don't have it, we will be in a lot of trouble." he said gruffly. When I didn't move after he said that he grabbed me roughly by the arm and pulled me to the house. He pushed the door open and practically threw me in. "Everyone out!" He yelled. And looked at me. "Time to try things differently" he said looking straight at me. He backed out and once everyone was out he shut the door. Leaving me and Mr. Grayson alone.

"What are you going to do to me?" He asked hesitantly staring at me with big eyes filled with fear.

I rubbed my arm where Dominique had grabbed me. That's when I put on my tough face. It was bad enough that Dominique saw a moment of weakness, I cannot let our target see weakness. "We need information" I said walking towards him. I put my hands on the chair arms and leaned in so he could see in my eyes. "One way or another." I stated as coldly as I could manage. And by the look on his face, I was cold.

"What do you want?" He asked, fear dripping in his voice. I just looked at him, not saying a thing. He started squirming, if my plan was working, I wouldn't hurt him a bit and he would tell me everything. "Fine I'll talk! I'll talk! Just stop looking at me like that!

I smirked. "Then talk" I said.

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