Chapter 8

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He stood there staring at me with those deep ocean blue eyes, giving me a once over with a little smirk. "It's been a while Angel." He said huskily with a voice as soothing as a harp, but sharp as a knife.

"Gunner." I replied giving him a nod.

"So how has the little shrimp been?" he said walking over to me and squatting down so that our eyes were level. I just stared at him while trying to hide the shock that must be written all over my face. How is he here? Why is he here? "You going to talk or are you going to pretend to be a mute?" he asked with a chuckle that sent chills all over my body. He is quite a handsome fella. Tall, blond hair, those deep blue eyes, and a scar going across his left one, which looks fairly fresh.

"What happened to your eye?" I asked staring right at.

"A little tussle with my dad." He stated nonchalantly. "What happened here?" he asked touching my upper right leg making me suck in air from the pain.

"A little tussle, nothing to worry about." I stated staring him right back in the eyes. And with that he laughed a guttural laugh that would draw just about anyone's gaze to us.

"Still a little smart mouth aren't you." He asked with a glint in his eyes. I simply rolled my eyes and tried to stand up, but before I could he had his hand on my shoulder pushing me down. "If it causes you that much pain you shouldn't be walking on it. You could make it worse."

"Like you care."

"I do care, you're one of the best assassins we've had." he stated looking me dead in the eyes. I simply rolled my eyes in response. When I did that he sighed in frustration. "Why don't you believe me?" He asked looking at me carefully.

"How about your job is to deceive people." I spit out. And from the looks of it I took him off guard.

"Have I given you any reason to doubt me?" He asked with his brows furrowed making the scar become more pronounced. I just pursed my lips in response which made him chuckle.

"Why are you here?" I asked making it obvious I wanted to change the subject.

"Yeah why are you here?" came Richards voice from the doorway of the barn.

Gunner smirked and looked me over before he turned to Richard standing up in the progress. "I am here to decide who should be the 'Leader' of the group." He stated doing air quotation around "leader". Richards eyes were bulging when he said that.

"The boss is supposed to choose." Richard responded folding his arms across his chest to try and look tougher, even though he didn't need to. All of us were taken off guard when Gunner laughed.

"True." Gunner replied with a smirk. "But my dad is a little busy so he is having me choose." when he stated that last part you could see the tension in Richard and faintly see the others thru the doorway tense as well. "So what is the mission you all were trying to plan when I walked in?"

"How to get a target." Dominique replied shoving his way into the barn, looking Gunner in the eye.

"Who's in charge of the mission?" Gunner asked coolly, unfazed by Dominique's rudeness.

"That's what we were trying to decide." I answered before the guys would lose their tempers. When I answered Gunner laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked looking at him questionably when he turned around to look at me.

"There are only three of you who would be good to be a leader, so it should be one of the three."

"What do you mean by three?" I asked, making the guys tense up.

"Dominique, Richard, and you." Gunner replied, and from the look of surprise that was on my face he must of paced it together. "Neither of you guys told her that she was a candidate? Did you?" He asked turning on them.

"She was fine with it being one of us." Richard replied melancholy.

"That was before yesterday." I stated making them all turn on me. "Or do you forget how I had to break you two up from a fist fight." I said glaring at them all like I was mad, which I actually was.

"Angel, you are not right to be a leader." Dominique said rolling his eyes. And that tore it.

"Why? Because I am the youngest one here? Because I'm not as strong as you two? Because I'm a frail little girl?" I yelled at them, my frustration showing. "I've had it with you two. All you do is argue and challenge each other! You almost got the target killed for crying out loud!"

"Angel calm down!" Richard growled at me giving me a look that would normally silence me, but I had to much fuel to stop now.

"When will you two stop treating me like a FIVE year old!! I know more than you think!" I started screaming at them.

"Then why don't you tell them what you know?" Gunner said looking at me with eyes full of anger. "Why don't you tell them the reason you are one of us? Why do you keep it hidden from them!?!"

I froze, did he really just ask me to tell them about my past. The most painful time in my life. The part I wish to just forget. I quickly stood up and took everyone by surprise when I flipped Gunner onto his back and had him pinned. "Don't you ever bring that up again." I snarled, baring my teeth like I was a wild animal that would eat him if he so much as looked at me wrong. But when I did that he couldn't help a smirk.

"Sorry I hit a soft spot sugar, but that was the only way I knew you would show what your made of. I do believe that is a new record time for pinning me." When he stated that I froze yet again. Which he took advantage of. He quickly rolled over to the right making me lose my grip on his hands I was holding above his head. When he stopped he was on top of me, one of his hands holding mine above my head and the other at my upper right thigh. I sucked in a breath, I was still only in my pink shorts and black t. His hand was right against my skin, his lips mere inches from mine. When I looked into his eyes I saw the one thing that sends my common sense packing, lust.

I reacted, I didn't even think. I quickly kneed him in the groin, causing his body to go rigid a bit which I used to my advantage by head-butting him and rolling out of his grip. I was standing I few feet away while he was on the ground with a hand to his head and that stupid smirk.

"Why do you always treat everything as a joke!!" I screamed at him, my body visibly shaking with my pent up emotions. It was taking everything in me to not pounce on him and gouge out his eyes. But when I stated that his face went dark. His eyes no longer had a vibrant glow and his teeth were grinding.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice, though he tried to hide it.

"You act like what happened to me was nothing! When it is something! It still haunts my dreams to this day! I can't go a day without it being smacked right in my face! And worst of all, I remember everything in excruciating after excruciating detail. And yet you act like nothing bad came of it!" I screamed at him, letting the tears stream down my face, making everyone frozen in shock. This was the first time most of them have seen me not hold back my emotions. Usually they are locked up deep inside. But today I lost it, I couldn't help the tears or the screams. I couldn't help the anger and rage, I just let it out.

"Angel, I didn't know...." Gunner started to say but I just shook my head and ran out, shoving my way past Rachel and Sophia. I had to go. I had to get some space before I really lost it. I ran straight back to the house, up the stairs, and back into the small bathroom and locked myself in. I then sat in the bathtub and cried, I cried for the first time in a long time. I let myself feel. I let myself remember how my mother always showed her love for me. I then let myself remember the day I found my dad after one of his matches. I remember how he taught me to stich and treat wounds. I remember him calling me his little healing angel. And I remember how he always told me that sometimes, the darkest things lead us to the brightest things. That no matter how much darkness there is, there is always light. There is always light.....

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