Chapter 5

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"What is it your keeping from me?" I asked again, my frustration obvious.

Richard huffed. "Why do you even care. It isn't like it will affect you." He said running a hand thru his shaggy brown hair. Sweat forming on his brow. He was nervous.

"Because if it wasn't going to affect me you wouldn't of even brought it up, and you wouldn't be so nervous!!!" I practically yelled.

"Just drop it ok! It isn't anything important. How's your leg?" He said grabbing the spot where my knife wound is, hard! I gasped in pain and gritted my teeth. He was trying to distract me from what he had slipped at saying.

"It's fine when you aren't grabbing it as hard as you can!" I growled threw gritted teeth. He then let go suddenly, stood up, and started to pace. I let him pace for a bit because it was obvious he needed to cool down. When I thought it had been long enough for him to cool down I decided I would try again. I said softly while looking down into my lap, which I had been able to do while waiting with it only hurting a tiny bit, with my hands clasped in it "Why wont you tell me this?" It took a lot in me not to cry. I knew that they all looked down on me. I was the youngest person here, a mere 15 year old, while the others were 17 or 18. I was probably considered a weakling, which is one reason I went to get the phone by myself, to prove I wasn't one.

"Angel," Richard said, with a softness in his voice like he was talking to a little girl. Which to them, I was. "You are to young to understand, if I told you it would just make everything all the more confusing for you." He said sitting back down on the bed. He started to reach for my hands to hold, but I pulled them away out of instinct. And from that he could tell I was hurt. "It's nothing against you Angel, you just can't handle it." He said still with that calm, soothing voice. I could feel him looking over me again, seeing if there were any physical injuries he had missed, and they caught onto one. I could feel his light touch against my arm where Mr. Grayson's son had grabbed me.

"Mr. Grayson's son." I stated not thinking anything of it. But When I said that Richard went rigid.

"What?!?" He said lifting my face to look him in the eyes. "Does Dominique know that..." He trailed off when I nodded. "CRUD!!" he said under his breath and before I knew it he was off the bed and out the door. I wanted to find out what was going on so I climbed gingerly out of bed and followed.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw that he was about to go out the door, and that Mr. Grayson was sitting tied to the chair, watching what was going on. "What are you doing Shadow Scythe!" I exclaimed taking the last step down, leaning against the railing to keep as much pressure off of my leg. Richard froze, he turned to me with a fire in his eyes.

"Go back to the bed, you shouldn't be up." He said with malice in his voice.

"I'll go back up after you tell what in the world is going on!" I said with confusion all over my face.

He took a deep breath. "Shadow Beast might not bring back the luggage in one piece now that he knows what happened." He said doing a slight glance to my arm, a look that I barely noticed.

I nodded, "I'll stay here and watch him, you go." I said then biting my lip. Richard nodded and was off. It wasn't long before I heard the motorcycle speeding off.


I took a deep breath and looked at Mr. Grayson, blood splattered his face, it looked like his nose was broken, he also had a split and swollen lip. His tux was splattered in blood, and was ripped in many places. The results of the interrogations the others do, but I call it torture. I gave him a little smile.

"When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

"Not since you nabbed me." He said with a sigh of relief, he was finally with someone who wasn't going to beat him up.

I went to the cupboard with a little hobble of my leg. "How does ramen noodles sound?" I asked looking over my shoulder. He just simply smiled and nodded. I got the stuff out and began to fix some food for the two of us. I would fix food for the others later. When I finished cooking I served the stuff into two bowls, then set them on the counter. I walked over to the old man with my knife behind my back, and once I got to him I quickly slashed the ropes on his wrist. "You better not cause any problems. If you do then, well, you'll be in a tight pickle.

I walked back and sat my knife down on the counter. Then I picked up the two bowls and gave one to the old man with a fork in it. Which I then went to sit on a chair that was close to him and began to eat. The room was simple, two cushioned chairs, a couch, the kitchen right where you enter, and a small dining room set. The old man was tied to one of the chairs from it in the middle of the room. He was scarfing down his food and I couldn't help a smirk.

We sat there in silence eating. Counting the minutes till the others arrived. I didn't know what I should expect when they get here, but then again, I never know how they all are going to act. After we had both cleaned our bowls I took them and washed them. Then I put them away and hobbled back to the cushioned chair. I sat there with my legs curled up close to me, waiting in patience. After a few hours I heard the vehicles pull up.


I sat still waiting for them to come in, but after what felt like forever Sophia peeked her head in. She looked around quickly and almost looked over me. When she did notice me she signaled me to come over. So I stood up stiffly, and made my way to the door as quickly as I could, because one look in her eyes told me everything I needed to know, there was fear in them.

As soon as I got the door she nodded to the barn. I gave her a small smile and took off running. As I ran I could feel the sharp pain in my leg, but I didn't let it phase me. Once I got close to the barn I could hear yelling. I reached the barn and turned abruptly to go in the door, which was a mistake. At that moment I could barely breath from the sharp pain that shot up my leg when I did that. So in reaction I leaned against the doorframe, and I could see that the boys were yelling at each other and baring their teeth like that of wild animals. And Rachel was half in, half out of the van with a look of terror in her eyes.

"I told you to stay here and watch Angel! Why did you come and ruin everything." Dominique yelled spitting at Richards face. Richard barely acknowledged the spittle.

"If I hadn't of shown up you would of made a huge mistake." Richard replied harshly. His eyes gleaming, asking Dominique to try and hit him. Which Dominique did. Punched Richard right under the jaw so hard that it made Richards head go back with a loud crack of fist meeting bone.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!" I yelled rushing over to Richard who had fallen on his butt from the punch.

"He started it." growled out Dominique.

"It's not my fault you tried to do a mission on your own." Richard snapped back.

"If I didn't know any better I would say it was both of y'alls fault." I said looking over my shoulder at Dominique then turning back to Richard to look at where he got punched. But before I could even get a glimpse Richard pushed me back. I landed right on my butt and growled in frustration. "Why'd you two have to be such big babies! I am tired of this!" I said standing up and heading for the barn door. "The only reason I came out here was because Sophia was acting scarred. You two are just....err!" Then I kicked the doorframe once I got to it. Which was a mistake again.

I sucked in a deep breath with ground teeth. My leg was throbbing like crazy now, and the pain was so intense I thought I would collapse. But before I could do anything I could feel someone put their hand on the small of my back, I tried to whirl on whoever it was and lost my footing, but whoever it was caught me.

"You ok?" Dominique asked leaning me against the doorframe, supporting me with his strong hands on my shoulders. I could see Rachel helping Richard up out of the corner of my eye. I took a shaky breath to compose myself and my thoughts. But it was so hard to think with the intense pain in my leg. I started to nod, but at that moment a sharp pain went straight up my leg , which I then shook my head and leaned fully back against the frame. As soon as I leaned back everything seemed to fade away from me, and I could faintly hear someone calling out my name, but after that everything was black emptiness.

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