Chapter 3

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I was speechless. Stunned. Richard always surprised me. But now I had to go and meet Dominique. I looked around at our little barn. It has our black van that we used for our getaway, and our five motorcycles. There is straw all over the floor and the paint on the walls is coming off from weir and tare. It smelled of rotting wood. It was nice in here, reminding me of a time long lost to me. I took a deep breath and headed for the door. Time to get this over with.

As I walked out of the barn door I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and I instinctively turned and threw a punch. He was expecting it. He caught my arm just above my wrist and pulled lightly, making me stumble forward. He then caught me before I could fall on my face. I could feel the heat of embarrassment rising to me cheeks.

"Took you long enough." Dominique said, with a little chuckle in his husky rough voice. I rarely hear him laugh. "So how did the mission go?" he said while helping make sure I had my footing. I was in surprise when I looked up to see him with a smirk, but he quickly covered it up.

"The mission was a success. I got the phone." I stated as calmly as I could, deciding to withhold the fact that I met Mr. Grayson's son.

"Good to hear." He said nodding to himself. His eyes black as coal, but with a glint, as if something were underneath, like a diamond. "Rachel will get the information we want out of it." He said, starting to walk away. But he stopped and turned to look at me "You did good Angel. Sophia wants to see you." He hesitated for a moment. "Said it was something personal. She's in the meadow." He stated and turned to go back to the farm house. Was it just me or was everyone wanting to see me? Oh well, at least this time its with someone who I am more at ease with.

As I walked to the meadow I couldn't help but wonder what Sophia would want to talk about. The farm we are on for the time being has trees that block the view of the street and hides the driveway. It has a wheat field along the driveway once pass the trees, while the meadow is behind the barn and farmhouse. It is quite beautiful, and smelled lovely with all the lilacs and roses in bloom, with a daisy placed here and there. It was truly beautiful. And in the middle of it I could see a small girl in black staring off into space at the horizon.

"Hey! What were you wanting me for?" I called out to her, pulling her out of her thoughts. As soon as she heard my voice she turned and started walking towards me, closing the distance quickly. She didn't have to say anything in that moment, I knew immediately what it was about. As soon as she was within reach I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. For when she had turned to me her mascara ran all the way down her cheek. She had been crying.


"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, pulling her away enough to see her face streaked with mascara and tears.

She laughed "I don't know! I was fine one minute.... then all of a sudden.... I started crying during interrogation....while you were gone." She said with sobs in-between each part. I started at that.

"I thought I was the only one who hated it when they tortured, I mean interrogated, people." I said with confusion written on my face.

"I wasn't affected.... until.... they asked questions...the boss wanted.... answers too." she said leaning fully into my chest, sobbing. I was truly stunned.

"What did he want to know?" I asked, not entirely sure I wanted to know.

"Mr. Grayson's son." She said, muffled by my clothing. She was bending her knees to do this because I was shorter than her. But apparently I was someone she trusted enough to let me see her in a weak state.

"What about his son?" I asked stiffening when I registered what she had said.

"I.... I can't... it's too much!!" She cried and went into a spasm of sobs. I patted her head and hummed silently to help sooth her.

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