Chapter 6

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I was in a tiny room  with barbies scattered on the floor. My little bed nestled into the corner right under the window. The room was purple with little fairies scattered about the walls. I was playing with my barbies pretending they were spies on a mission to save the world. Then all of a sudden I heard a loud commotion outside of my room. And even though I tried to convince my brain to not let me live this nightmare again. To let me change it, it ignored me. I stood up and walked to the door, trying not to step on the barbies. I opened the door and walked into the hall, that is when I froze, I saw strangers in the house arguing with my parents. When one of them noticed me.

"Hello there little thing? I didn't know you were here." he said with a slur to his voice, he was looking at me hungrily. Almost like I was his next meal, making me shiver.

My mother snapped at him to not bring me into this, but I still didn't know what "this" was.

"Where's the money you owe us?" Said one of the other strangers with the same slur as the other.

"It isn't due for another week." My dad said as coolly as ice. "Now I believe it is time for you to go."

"Whoa, you don't have the money?"  the second man said. "Well then I guess we have a problem." He stated looking at his friend with a little laugh.

"No need for trouble, we will pay you when the money is due." My father replied with concern and worry in his voice. He never was worried about anything before.

"Aww, well that is where you are wrong." the first man said with a chuckle, that's when it happened. Before my eyes I saw him whip out a gun and heard two shots come from it, then my mothers piercing shriek. Both bullets had hit her right in the chest and she was screaming in agony as she fell to the floor. I stood in horror as the others whipped out their guns and shot my father. I watched as my father collapsed to the floor with blood pouring from his stomach and mouth. I watched as the men walked up to my mother who was writhing in agony and put a bullet in her head. I had watched the life leave my parents eyes.

But that wasn't even the worst part. I was there, alone, with five strangers who were looking at me like a pack of wolfs, surrounding their prey. Then the dream changes to where I am racing down the street with these men at my heels. My heart racing faster then I had ever known. Adrenaline pouring into my blood, making it boil. Then I make a wrong turn into an alley. The worst mistake I made in my life. I turn to try and run back to the street, but the entrance is already blocked. I start to scream, I call for help as loud as I could. I tried climbing the wall to get away from them, but to no avail. I feel their grimy hands grab me and throw me into the brick wall, my head bursts from pain and I start to see black-spots at the edge of my vision.

I then feel the nick of cold steel against my throat. I look up into cold blue eyes that were glazed, and a maniacal smile that sends shivers up your spine. His hands groping at me. The fear enveloping me like a blanket. I tried and tried to fight back, but every time I tried I could feel the knife dig farther into my skin. I could feel the blood slowly dripping out like sludge. I couldn't stop them from whatever they wanted to do. I was weak, I was helpless, and I was petrified. I screamed as loud as I could, but even though I saw people walk past the sidewalk and look my way when I screamed, nobody came to my aid. They were going to let me die. And I was as good as dead.

I begged the men to stop, to just let me go. But they just laughed at me. Then I heard one of them say something that still resonates in my soul. "Let me have a turn."

Before I knew what was going on the first man who had spoken, the one who had killed my mother was on top of me. Putting a knife to the seam of my pajama shirt, I could hear it slowly ripping, feel the tugging of knife against cloth. I couldn't stop the tears from gliding across my cheek. But that's when I saw blue and red flashing lights, and so had they.

The man got off of me and turned to the police officers and gave them a wild grin. Then they wiped out their guns and started shooting, not caring if they actually hit the police officers. Some of the police officers ran in and tackled the guys, while others got a body full of lead. I then heard the shriek of the closest police officer to me and turned to see that the man who had killed my mother had just cut her stomach wide open, and blood was pouring out. I was horrified. But then that man did the unexpected he pointed his gun at me. and said the most bone chilling words I had ever heard.

"Time to join us, little demon." and with that their was a loud bang that left my ears ringing, and a piercing fire of metal in my left shoulder.


I woke up screaming with hot tears streaming down my face. The memory of that night still piercing my thoughts. I had been laying on the couch in the living room. I could feel my clothing sticking to me as if a bucket of water had been poured all over me. I was in such a panic from the nightmare that I almost didn't notice I was being watched. I could barely see the glint of his eyes in the dark. I couldn't let anyone see me like this, I quickly took a deep breath and calmed my mind. Slowly my heart and breathing became less erratic.

As I calmed down I could hear a rustle of clothing, then I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"You o.k.?" Dominique asked.

I simply nodded, knowing that if I spoke it would give away what I was really feeling. Dominique kneeled down next to the couch and just sat their in silence. I could see through a gap in the windows that the sun was just starting to rise, giving the room a ethereal glow. I could also see that the windows were open and I could faintly smell the roses and lilacs. I couldn't help a smile because I missed the scent of my mothers perfume, and this smelled so much like it.

"What were you dreaming about?" Dominique asked suddenly taking me completely off guard. I shook my head. I have never told them the story of my childhood, the only thing they know about my past was when they found me. If it hadn't been for them I surely would be dead, and because of that I owe them my life.

At that moment I could hear footsteps on the stairs coming down. It was Richard, with a bedhead that looked oh so perfect. But when he came down he flashed a look at Dominique of pure anger and tried to cover it before I could see it. Of course he failed at hiding it.

"What's going on between you two?" I asked, my voice sounding scratchy.

"It's nothing." Dominique said looking at Richard and seeing his snarl from the side.

"There is something and you two aren't telling me. So tell me." I snapped out. Surprising both of them at how angry I was.

"He thinks he can do whatever he wants and not tell us why." Richard huffed.

"What are you talking about!?!" Dominique growled out, anger in his eyes.

"If I hadn't shown up you probably would of killed him." Richard exclaimed.

"Wait. What!?!" I looked at Dominique with eyes filled with surprise. "Why would you try and kill him. We need him alive!"

"I know that, but he hurt you." he said a little hesitantly.

"He isn't the first target we've had that hurt me." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, but we ended up killing them because that was what we were assigned to do."

"And are we assigned to kill this one?" I asked, giving him a knowing look. He simply huffed and went upstairs. Richard came over and kneelt down where Dominique had just been.

"How's your leg?" he asked trying to change the subject. And with how everything has been already today I was going to drop it...for now.

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