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Kalani cleaned her apartment up after texting Joe. It would be the first time he would actually be in her apartment and she didn't want it to be a mess. She set out all the ingridents for vodka pasta. It was simple for sure but she knew she couldn't mess it up. She wasn't a horrible cook or anything but she definitely wasn't an expert. She was listening to music as she cooked. She wanted everything to be perfect. No boy has ever came to this apartment and Joe wasn't just some boy. She felt something with him. She wasn't sure what it was but she knew it was something she never felt with anyone else. She was just hoping he felt the same way. As she finished cooking she checked the time it was 6. She left the pasta in the pan so it wouldn't get cold and checked to make sure everything was perfect. Then she heard a knock at the door, she looked around carefully to make sure everything was how it needs to be and then went to open the door. "Hi" said Joe as the door opened "Hi" Kalani said "Come in I made Vodka pasta" " Yum i love pasta". As Joe walked un Kalani told him to sit down anywhere and get comfortable she doenst care where they eat. Joe sat at the table since he felt it made the most sense. Kalani put the pasta in to two bowls and headed towards the table and sat next to Joe. "Oh i almost forgot here is the jersey" Joe said as he handed it to her. Kalani looked at it said thank you and went to place it on the counter. As she came back she asked Joe how practice was. "It was good, tiring obviously but good." "That's good" "i'm excited you're coming to the game on sunday." Joe said " Me too i've only ever gone to Jason and Travis's games it'll be fun to go to a different game." Kalani replied. " I almost forgot you're their sister" Joe laughed while looking at Kalani " i like it that way honestly a lot of people just see me as their sister even with my own career and stuff." Kalani said and then Joe replied with " You're so much more than just their little sister you're amazing" Joe looked at Kalani and she looked back at him smiling. " Uhm are you done?" she asked " oh yeah sorry i am" Joe said as Kalani grabbed both their bowls and brought them to the sink. " So how long can you stay" Kalani asked and Joe then said " As long as you want me to" Kalani smiled and said " Come on let's go watch a movie" They went and sat on Kalani's couch as they searched for a movie to watch. " We should watch Tangled." Kalani exclaimed and Joe said " sure i've never watched it before" " OMG WHAT" " It's my favorite movie ever" Kalani said " Good let's watch it then" Joe replied as Kalani put it on the tv. They sat close together sharing a blanket with Kalani's head on Joe's shoulder. Kalani sang softly along to some of the songs. It was soft enough that it wasn't in an annoying way but Joe thought to himself even if she was screaming the songs he wouldn't find it annoying. As the movie came to a close they somehow shifted even closer together with their legs tangled up. "See wasn't that good" Said Kalani as Joe nodded. " I should probably head home now even though i really don't want to" Joe stated, Kalani sighed and said " Yeah you probably should" " Text me when you get home" then Joe said " Of course" " Goodnight Kalani" " Goodnight Joe" She said back as she closed the door. She smiled to herself, she felt safe with him, comfortable. She didn't understand why but she felt very at peace with him. She was praying this wasn't false hope and that they actually have something special.

spongeboblover posted!!

spongeboblover posted!!

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liked by 7eleven_uno and 22 others spongeboblover my personal chef

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liked by 7eleven_uno and 22 others
spongeboblover my personal chef

view all 12 comments

7eleven_uno ayyy buddy did it
    spongeboblover 🫡🫡

betterkelce the first picture is so evil you made me sit on the floor
  spongeboblover did not you said it was comfy
  betterkelce that may be a true statement

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