Today was Kalani's birthday and she would be turning 25. Kalani has always loved her birthday and celebrating with the people she cared about most. Around 7o'clock she woke up to the soft touch of Joe's hand on her shoulder. " Good morning baby." he said as he kissed her shoulder. Kalani turned around to face him and in-front of her was a stack of pancakes with candles, a birthday sash, and flowers. "Happy birthday pretty." Joe said as he kissed you. "Omg Joe this is so sweet I can't believe you did this don't you have practice?" she said as she admired everything. " I woke up extra early" he responded. "Thank you so much it's amazing." Joe took a couple pictures of Kalani before he gave her one last kiss and happy birthday wish before heading out to practice. He reminded her to be ready at 5 because he would be picking her up.
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liked by joeyb_9 and 2,356,721 others kalanikelce18 i feel so loved🤍
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It was now around 12 o'clock and Kalani had revived so many birthday wishes. She felt so lucky to have so many great people in her life. Just as she was about to make herself lunch she got a text from Joe saying " I ordered you sushi it will be there by 12:15, happy birthday <3" She smiled and typed out a thank you while shutting off her phone and waiting for the food.
It was now 3 and Kalani began getting ready for Joe to come get her at 5. She took a shower and blow dried her hair. She then put her outfit on, did her makeup, and curled her hair. By the time she was done it was around 3:30 and Joe had texted her and told her he was on the way.
Around 4 he arrived at the house and quickly went to shower and get ready. Kalani stayed in the guest bedroom so that her and Joe would see each other all dressed up. When Joe was all ready he sent her a text and she came in the room.
"Wow you look amazing"Joe said as soon as his eyes laid on Kalani. She was wearing a short, dark red dress with lacey sleeves. "Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself." "How kind of you, well birthday girl are you ready to go?" "yes i am but will you tell me where we actually are going?" "hmmm ill think about it, let's just go get in the car." The pair intertwined their fingers as they walked down to the car and got in.
The place Joe wanted to take her to was about 20 minutes away and the whole car ride there they had a Disney sing along ( per Kalani's request). When they finally arrived Kalani recognized the place immediately. It was a fancy steakhouse she mentioned to Joe a couple weeks ago saying she always wanted to go.
" Omg Joe, you didn't have to do this" she said as they parked. "I know I didn't have to, but i wanted to. You deserve it and I remember you really wanted to go so i figured i would take you." He said as he looked at her. "Thank you so so so so much" She said as she leaned in and kissed him. " You're very welcome, now let's go eat." He said as he came and opened her door, "right this way my lady" he said throwing a wink her way.
The two had enjoyed a lovely dinner, full of conversation. They got a cheesecake for dessert and Joe sang happy birthday to her knowing if he had the restaurant do it she would get social anxiety. Kalani was so happy with everything this day was turning out to be and she didn't think it would get any better, but then Joe said he had one more place to take them.
After about a 30 minute drive and more Disney songs, they arrived at the beach, the same beach they went to one of the first times they hung out. With their hands interlinked they walked towards the beach and on the sand was tiny candles spelling out "I love You" (a/n i know they're moving super fast but i can't help it i love them so just shhh). " Omg Joe did you do all this." Kalani said looking at him with nothing but pure happiness. " Yes I did, I know we only met not too long ago but i feel like i've known you forever, you make me so happy and every moment i'm with you feels like pure heaven, i love you Kalani Jane Kelce." he said staring right back at her. With her eyes teary she said "I love you too Joseph Lee Burrow." and she leaned in to kiss him.
The two spent the rest of the night together cherishing every moment they had, and Kalani felt absolutely certain that this was the best birthday she had ever had.
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( how i imagine her dress but feel free to imagine anything else)